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Ash was fast asleep, i was wide awake. Ashtray knew i had insomnia but he thought he had helped me fall asleep 2 hours ago. I did fall asleep but due to my condition, I struggled to stay asleep so I probably woke up about 20 minutes later.

I got up from my bed, not waking Ash up and walked towards my small seat by the window and sat down, looking out the window. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, I wanted to sleep but my body just wouldn't let me. I sighed in frustration and crossed my arms.

"Y/n?" I heard Ashtray mumble lazily, i snapped my head over to him. "Shit..I didn't mean to wake you.." i said, feeling a little bad. He sat up and shook his head. "Nah, you're good. I thought you fell asleep already?" He questioned, i got up and went over to him, he pulled me onto his lap.

"I can't stay asleep, i'm so exhausted Ash" i whined in discomfort, he laid down with me and lifted my shirt a little before rubbing small shapes on my bare side. This is what he normally did to help me relax because when i relax, it's easier to fall asleep.

"It's not working" i said, clearly distressed. "Just focus on my finger, ma. You gotta relax a little" he mumbled in comfort, i sighed and snuggle into his chest taking deep breaths and focusing on Ashtrays soft touch. After 10 minutes, i started feeling tired, my eyes growing heavy. I was struggling to stay awake.

"Goodnight Y/n, i love you" my boyfriend whispered while pecking my forehead. "I..i love you..." I struggled to say it back and soon fell asleep afterwards. I knew Ash didn't care though because he would always say that just as i was about to fall asleep so i'd be too tired to finish my sentence.

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