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"I just wanna see if you're okay""Oh? Umm, yeah

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"I just wanna see if you're okay"
"Oh? Umm, yeah...just overwhelmed"
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Today, i went to sneaker con, to meet Javon. When i arrived, everyone was crowding around the poor boy looked so nervous. When the crowd finally went away, I decided to walk up to him. "Hey, Javon?" I spoke up, he turned to me and he looked tired yet he still put a fake smile on his face.

"Hi..do you want a picture?" He asked, i gave him a weak smile. "No, i just wanna see if you're okay" i spoke and he gave me a look of shock, i guess he wasn't expecting that? "Oh? Umm, yeah...just overwhelmed" he explained with a nervous chuckle. "Thanks for asking by the way, whats your name?" He asked with a little smile.

"I'm Y/n" I replied, smiling. His smile grew wider when he saw mine. "Well Y/n..want my number? You seem cool and maybe we can hang out sometime? Thats if you live in Atlanta" he spoke, his voice filled with hope. "I do live in Atlanta actually" I informed and his eyes had a hint of happiness. "Here, pass your phone" i did as told and watched has he typed his number in before handing it back.

"I actually have to go on stage now, but meet here after, okay?" He explained as i stared at my phone in shock. I looked up at him and nodded, wondering if this whole thing was real or not. He winked at me before walking off, my knees felt weak. As I watched him walk off, with someone guiding him so no crazy girls are all over him, a blonde walked over to me.

"Excuse me? Hi, umm..what the hell was that?" She asked, i raised my brow at her. "What was what?" I asked, insanely confused. "You and Wanna having a lovely chat, getting his number. Stop using him for fame!" She explained and scoffed at me, i laughed at her immaturity. "Listen, i simply went over to see if he was okay and he gave me his number because he thought i was nice, whats the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you're acting like you care about him when you don't, you just want his attention so you can kiss up to him" she spoke, I actually felt kinda offended. All i wanted to do is see if Wanna was okay, i wasn't expecting to get his number? "Random girl, can you just leave me alone. I don't wanna deal with your childish ass" i snapped before walking towards the stage, where Javon was currently walking onto.

Glad the blonde bitch didn't make me miss him.

Javon sat on one of the chairs and i watched as he scanned the room. When he made eye contact with me, he smiled and waved, i waved back with a grin. Some girls thought he was waving and them and freaked out over it, which made Wanna laugh a little.

After he was done talking on the stage, people guided him off again and i went back to the spot where he told me to meet him, the blonde girl walked over just as she saw Wanna making his way over. She shoved me out the way, making me fall in the process. "Hey, be gentle with her! Don't shove her like that" Javon told the girl, she gave a surprised look, glared at me then walked away with a look of embarrassment.

"You alright?" Wanna asked, holding a hand out for me. I took it and he helped me up. "Yeah, just..another crazy fan girl, right?" I laughed and he did too, adding a small nod. "You sure you're not hurt?" He questioned with a little bit of worry in his voice. "No, i'm okay really, thanks for helping me" i responded and he smiled. "Its the least I could do, you're really sweet and you've been really nice to me today so..thank you" he explained.

Wanna and i spoke for at least 10 minutes before he had to go off and take more pictures with people. I felt bad, I really did. He's so overwhelmed and I didn't even know if his smile was his real one. All i wanted to do was hug him at that moment but I couldn't. I told some girls to give him some space, half of them didn't listen but Javon was still grateful that i tried and also thankful that some listened.

Sneaker con finally came to an end, as i was about to leave, i heard someone calling my name. I turned to see Javon running up to me, he stopped in front of me and gave me a hug. I was shocked but hugged back anyway, smiling into his shoulder.

"Thank you for today, i really mean it. I'm grateful that you tried to stop some of the girls from crowding around me and for actually making sure i was okay. I'm really glad that i met you today" he explained and gave me a squeeze before letting go. "Its really no problem at all, i just wanted you to have fun and not be absolutely scared of everyone" i joked gaining a laugh from him.

I heard a car beep and turned to see my mum waiting for me. "I gotta go, i'll text you tonight?" I said and Javon nodded. I rushed over to my car and gave him one last wave before getting in, my mum driving off 2 minutes later. "So..who was that boy?" She asked, i smiled down at my lap.

"It was Javon Walton, the one i went to meet" I informed and she gave me a sweet smile. "Looks like it was more than a fan meeting, are you guys friends now or something?" She questioned and i shrugged. "Well, i got his number" i told her and she had a look of surprise on her face. "Seems to me that you're gonna be more than just friends~" she teased and i groaned. "Shut up mum!"

I was chilling in my hotel room, unable to fall asleep. I was scrolling through tiktok and it was currently 1am. As I continued scrolling, a notification popped up, it was an unknown number. I shrugged and clicked onto it and it read.

**** ******
Hey, its Wanna:)

I smiled down at my phone and changed his contact name so I knew who it was.

Hey Wanna, you alright?

Yeah, just can't sleep.
Are u okay?

Yeah, I can't sleep either..

Lets talk for a little while then.
Hey, what time is your flight

12am, how about you??

Omg me too!
What hotel are u staying in,
maybe i can come meet u tomorrow?

(random hotel idek wat to put)

Wait- are u serious?!

  Yes, why?

I am too!
crazy shit bro.

what a coincidence tho..
it'll be easy for us to meet tomz then!

Way easier!

Javon and i stayed up until 2am, we both got tired and soon said Goodnight to each other. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I was Javon Waltons friend and he is the sweetest boy ever. I told myself to get over my crush on him otherwise it'll ruin it all..but the more sweet he was, the more i fell for him.

This may be difficult...

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