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❝𝙹𝙰𝚅𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙾𝙽❞———————————————————————

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Javon was at boxing practice, Jayla was out with Kylee so I decided to spend the day with Jaden. Jaden was my best friend, him and i were kinda close before i even met Javon. We spent the day making tiktoks, watching movies, playing games.

It was all fun, i was glad i got to spend some quality time with Jaden. As we chilled in his room watching Shameless, the first show i've ever acted on, i got a message from Javon.

Hey ma, i'm omw home <3

                                          FAVOURITE GIRL<3
                  Okay, i'm in Jadens room, just come
                             up when you get here, k? <33

you're with Jaden...

                                         FAVOURITE GIRL<3
                                 yeah, is that a problem...?
                                                      javon? baby?

I sighed and put my phone down. Did he have a problem? Maybe he's driving home and couldn't reply and i'm overthinking it? I noticed Jaden glance at me through the corner of my eye. "Hey, you alright, dummy?" He asked, using a nickname he had given me ages ago. I chuckled lightly at him.

"Yeah i'm okay.." I replied, not wanting to tell him what happened with Wanna incase i was overthinking it. He nodded and pressed play on the tv, i sighed once again and focused on the show, still worried about Wanna. Was he mad at me?

A few minutes later, i heard the front door open and close. I knew it was Javon. I heard him walking upstairs but instead of coming to see me, he walked straight past Jaden's room, into his room and shut the door. "The fuck is stuck up his ass?" Jaden asked, referring to his twin brother. I laughed at his childish comment. "No idea, i'll check on him" Jaden nodded and i made my way to Javon's room.

He wasn't in there, i'm guessing he went to take a shower so i sat down on his bed and scrolled through my phone. 10 minutes later, he strolled in with a towel around his waist showing off his abs, his wet hair sticking to his forehead which wasn't a bad look for him. He always looked fine as hell. When he saw me, he avoided eye contact. "Wanna?" I spoke.

He ignored me and went to his closet, taking out a hoodie and some shorts along with boxers before turning to me again. "Oh right, i'll let you change!" I exclaimed and walked out, not missing the small smile on his face though. 5 minutes later, he let me back in, but just sat on his phone. I rolled my eyes and took it from his hands. "Baby, talk to me. Whats wrong?" I asked. He groaned. "Do you like Jaden?" He questioned bluntly, i furrowed my brows.

"No, why would you think that?" I asked, rubbing my thumb against his cheek, he instantly melted into my touch. "You guys have like this..bond. Way different to ours and you've known each other longer than we have.." he explained in a mumble. I smirked and he gave me a confused look. "What?" He questioned making me laugh at his cluelessness.

"Javon, you're jealous" i informed and he gasped dramatically. "Am not!" He exclaimed, lightly pushing my shoulder. I laughed at his reaction and gently pulled him closer so that he was laying on my chest. "It's okay to be jealous, sweetheart" I replied and kissed his forehead. His cheeks flustered pink and he groaned, burying his head into my neck.

"I didn't want it to be obvious...i'm sorry, its wrong to be jealous.." he murmured. I chuckled at him. "It's normal for someone to be jealous in a relationship, Javon. Don't worry about it" i told him and he glanced up at me. "Really?" He asked and i nodded in reassurance. He whispered a small 'okay'

"Awww baby Javon admitted he was jealous~" Jaden spoke from the other side of the door. Javon huffed and sat up. "GO AWaY JADEN!" He yelled, his voice cracking when he yelled 'away' which made me burst out in fits of laughter.

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