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It had been at least a month since Ash and i broke up, I wasn't doing well at all. I spent most days in my bed, crying into my pillow. Lexi came over and checked on me, so did Rue. But no matter how hard they tried to make me feel better, they couldn't bring Ash back. And that's what hurt most.

Now, i have no idea why he broke up with me but i have a feeling it's because of his drug business. Although it may be an okay excuse to break up, it still hurt me and i still miss him so much.

As i laid in my bed, watching Netflix and crying, i got a message. I didn't bother to look though. But after 4 more messages, i groaned and looked at them.

we're going to a party 2night
not taking no for an answer
I know ur awake.
Come on y/n/n...

                                                    MY SISTER<3
                                       What if Ashtrays there?

Who cares?
Make him regret what he did.

                                                 MY SISTER<3

Wear something sexy?
Make him jealous?
He gets jealous over anything.

                                                 MY SISTER<3
                           Okay, am I talking to Lex rn?
         Because it feels like i'm talking to Maddy

Y/n, its me okay?
Just make that boy jealous!

I put the phone down rolling my eyes, I decided to go to the party. Lex messaged me what time it was and i got ready since it was soon. I took Lexi's advice, wore something nice but not too sexy. It seriously felt like it wasn't Lexi messaging me?

When i was fully ready, doing my hair and a little bit of make up, i texted Maddy to come and pick me up and she did

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When i was fully ready, doing my hair and a little bit of make up, i texted Maddy to come and pick me up and she did. When i got in the car, Lexi was with her. Maddy smirked and eyed my outfit. "Sexy for Ash, exactly like i said" she commented and i rolled my eyes playfully. "I knew it wasn't Lexi" i said and the two girls laughed.

"Well, the first few messages were Lexi. Turns out, shes not good at making ex's jealous so i took over. I have a lot of experience with Nate" Mads explained, watching the road. Lex scoffed. "I'm good, just not AS good as Maddy" she said and we all laughed. We soon arrived at the party.

Most of the time, I danced with Maddy, Rue, Cassie and Kat. Lexi was chilling with Fez on the couch. And when Fez was somewhere, Ash was too. A part of me wanted to see him, another part of me didn't. "Rue, i'm gonna get another drink" i told her while giggling, she giggled too. We were both drunk.

"Okayyyy" she said, dragging on the 'y' before walking off to find Jules while i went to get a drink. As i picked a cup up, i felt a tap on my shoulder, i turned to see Nate. "Don't you think that dress is a little revealing?" He asked with a smirk. "WhAts iT tO yOu?" I asked, laughing like a child.

His hands went around my waist, i gave him a small worried and uncomfortable look. "Let gooo~ i wanna dance!" I whined, he laughed. "Dance with me" i shook my head wordlessly, glaring up at him. Just as he was about to say something else, a glass smashed over his head and he fell. Ash stood behind him with the most evil look on his face.

"Ashtray!" I exclaimed with a smile and put my arms up. I walked towards him and threw myself on him, hugging him tightly. He didn't hesitate to hug back. He gently carried me over to the couch and grabbed a cup of water for me. "Here, drink this" he mumbled softly and i listened, drinking it.

"Why are..are yOu being nice? I tHouGht you didn't care about me anymore.." I murmured messily, remaining in my drunk state. "I do care, Y/n. I never stopped" he whispered, a weak smile on his face. "I loVe yOu Ashtray..." i murmured before my eyes grew heavy. "I wish you meant that in the way you used too, Y/n.." was the last thing i heard him say before i fell asleep due to exhaustion.

I groaned as I woke up, i had the worst headache ever. I looked around the room to realise i was in Lexi and Cassie's room. Cassie was still fast asleep and Lex was asleep on her little sofa. I laid back down and I remembered it what happened last night. All the things Ash had told me to my drunk self..

"I do care, Y/n. I never stopped"

"I wish you meant that in the way you used too"

He probably thinks i hate him, he also thinks i was too drunk to even realise what i was saying. I told him i loved him, he thinks thats bullshit. Its not. I had to talk to him. I got up and got dressed before leaving a note for Lexi so she doesn't worry about me. I left and walked to Ash's.

I knocked on the door and Ashtray answered. He was in joggers and shirtless but it didn't bother me, he used to be shirtless 80% of the time when we were together. "Y/n?" He asked in surprise. "Ca-can we talk?" I asked and he nodded, letting me in. I slowly walked in and when he shut the door, he turned to look at me. "Whats up?" He asked.

"You know..about what i said last night?" I spoke up quietly, he nodded and looked down. "Yeah..its okay if you didn't mean it..." he whispered, a small yet sad smile on his lips. I shook my head. "I meant it, Ash" I corrected him and he looked shocked. "Why? I mean..i broke up with you, you can't love me" he muttered in confusion.

"Just because you broke up with me, doesn't mean i stopped loving you" i said, tears filled both of our eyes. "I'm sorry for breaking up with you..i just wanted to keep you safe away from drugs because it like, really dangerous and I didn't wanna be the reason that you're in danger, Y/n" he explained. I nodded with a small smile.

"Its worth the risk to me. I don't care if i'm put in danger, i just wanna be with you" i murmured, Ashtray looked down. I walked closer and lifted his chin, pecking his lips gently. I tried to pull away but he pulled me back, not wanting to let me go. "Wanna be mine again?" He asked and i nodded. "Most definitely" I replied and we kissed once again.

I got Ashtray back. My Ashtray

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