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❝𝙹𝙰𝚅𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙾𝙽❞———————————————————————

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Baby screams filled my house, my sister wouldn't stop crying no matter what i did. I changed her, fed her a bottle but she wouldn't stop. I knew she wanted my mum, but she was useless and ditched me to go out with her friends. She never really cared for me or baby Aria. "Please..ssh, its okay Ari" I whispered, trying to calm her down.

Her crying got louder and i was started to cry in frustration. I picked up my phone and called my mum but obviously, i got no answer. So i called Javon, maybe he could help out. I clicked his contact and after two rings, he answered. "Ma-" he paused, obviously hearing the tiny screams from Aria. "Is everything okay over there?" He asked in concern.

"Wanna..i'm so sorry for asking this but can you please come over and help me, Ari hasn't stopped crying and i- i don't know what to do-" i ranted, my voice breaking. I wanted to help my baby sister. "Hey, hey, breathe. I'm on my way, okay?" He spoke, i let out a shaky breath. "Thank you, thank you so much!" We both said goodbye to each other and hung up, after that I continued to rock Aria.

"Ssh, ssh, ssh...Aria please" I mumbled, my eyes going heavy. Was I about to fall asleep? Just as my eyes were about to close, i heard Javon. "Y/N?" He called out for me before walking into the living room where i was. He saw me swaying Aria side to side gently, screaming her lungs off.

"Here, pass her to me. You go rest, okay?" He spoke softly. I shakily passed my baby sister to him. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before sending me off. I walked up to my room and fell onto my bed, going into a deep sleep...

I really felt bad for Y/n, her mum wasn't helping her, expecting her to take care of a 4 month old, it's stupid. I held Aria against my chest, her small head laying on my shoulder as i rocked her and rubbed her back. "Hey, sshh..its okay" I murmured to the small baby, in attempt to comfort her. I sat down on the couch and cradled her, she looked up at me.

"You have your sisters eyes..you're adorable" I whispered, the sound of my voice seemed to calm her down. She lifted her small hand and took my finger, her whole hand fitting around it. I smiled gently, there were tears still on the baby girls cheeks but she was no longer crying. "There we go, you're okay now, i'll look after you" I whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

I continued rocking her, patting her back and eventually she was asleep. I smiled down at her, happy that she had calmed down and happy that Y/n had gotten a well deserved sleep. I carefully stood up and took Aria upstairs, putting her into her cot then quietly walking to Y/n's room.

I opened the door and Y/n slowly sat up in shock, probably forgetting i was here. "Oh..Javon..i-is Aria okay?" She asked quietly, i nodded at her and she smiled in relief. She got up, walking to me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. "Thank you so much..its been so hard, my mum..s-shes making it difficult" she sniffed.

"Listen to me, ma. It's okay, i did this for you. I did this to help not only you, but Aria as well. If you want, you and your sister can stay at mine. Mum and dad won't mind?" I suggested, she looked at me in disbelief. "N-no I can't do that to you guys..Aria barely sleeps at night, i can't keep you guys awake with that" she explained, i shook my head.

"Y/n, you need adults around..you can't handle Aria by yourself" I informed. After a lot of convincing, I decided to take Y/n and Aria home with me the next day. Mum and dad were okay with it, so were Jaden, Jayla and Daelo. The next morning, Y/n and i packed some things for her and Aria to take back with us. It was all going to be okay now.

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