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"I thought i told you not to get drunk""it was my fault"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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"I thought i told you not to get drunk"
"it was my fault"
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I know i told Ash I wouldn't get drunk, but going to a party with Rue and Maddy would definitely get me drunk. They always tell me to have a little bit of their drink and i end up having a little too much...

I knew that Ash would be mad at me, he hates it when i get drunk and thats for two reasons. One, because i do stupid things and two, I'm the emotional drunk and Ash gets awkward around me when i cry for no reason.

So when Ash picked me up from the party tonight and saw me basically grinding on another boy, he was furious. He rushed over and punched the guy before gently taking my wrist in his hand and dragging me away. "HeY tRaYaSh" I giggled, only to be ignored by him. He was silent until we got to the car, where Fez was sat.

When he saw me, he chuckled. "Shit man, you're fucked.." he mumbled as Ash got in the car, placing me on his lap. As we were about to leave, Rue came rushing over and that's also when Ash began to lecture me. "I thought i told you not to get drunk" he scolded, holding my chin in his hands. "It was my fault" Rue spoke through the window.

"Bro, you know i hate it when she's drunk" Ash told the girl stood behind the window. "I'm sorry, Ash. It was unexpected" she laughed, making me laugh too. Ash smacked his head on the back of the seat. "Drive, Fez" he said and his brother listened, not before saying goodbye to Rue first.

The whole car ride was silent, my head was just laying on Ash's chest, playing with the chain around his neck. When it was time to get out, i got off his lap but my legs gave in. I almost fell to the floor but Ashtray was quick to catch me. "Bro, carry her inside" i heard Fez tell him which Ash groaned about yet picked me up anyway.

When we got inside, Fez sat on the couch and watched his favourite show while Ash took me straight to bed. He sat me on his bed as i giggled at nothing. "Whats so fuckin funny, Y/n" Ash snapped, i instantly shut up and frowned up at him. "You're mad at me..." I whispered and my drunk sadness started to kick in, tears filled my eyes.

Ashtray instantly panicked, he held my hands in his. "Wait, don't cry!" He said, kneeling in front of me as i began crying. "I'm not good with drunk Y/n" he whispered to himself, giving me a nervous look. "DoNt bE maD aT mE" i mumbled, hiccuping at the end. I watched as my boyfriend threw his head back in annoyance but managed to contain himself.

He brought his head back up and looked me in the eyes, bringing his hand up to cup my face. "I am mad at you, but just a little bit. You didn't listen to me and when i showed up at the party, you were grinding on some random dude" he explained, nostrils flaring in anger when he mentioned the last part. I was too drunk to realise why though.

"i WaS hAviNg fun!" I whined like a little child, no wonder why Ash hates drunk me. "Y/n, thats not having fun. How would you like it if you saw me doing that to a girl?" He asked and i sniffed and leaned my head forward, resting it on his chest. "I wouldn't like it.." I whispered. Ash kissed my head.

"Exactly, it wouldn't be nice, would it?" He asked once again and i nodded. "Glad you finally understand. Get dressed into your pyjamas, you're going to bed" he he instructed before getting up, i grabbed his wrist. "Wait- aren't you coming to bed?" I questioned easily, Ashtray smirked.

"Nope. I'm not gonna cuddle you to sleep, payback because you didn't listen to me" he teased before walking out. I huffed and got dressed. It took awhile for me to actually change. I kept getting distracted or putting the clothes on the wrong way around but when i finally had them on, i made my way out to the living room where Ash and Fez were.

I walked over, ignoring Fez's gaze and climbed on top of Ash, cuddling into him. "Ma.." he whispered but i ignored him, cuddling closer. "As long as she's quiet, she can stay" Fez laughed. Ash rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at him. I eventually fell asleep, tucked up into Ash's arms, where i wanted to be.

I woke up the next morning in Ash's bed, on his chest. I groaned in pain and turned over, the pain in my head was unbearable. "You got a headache?" I heard my boyfriend ask, practically hearing the smirk in his voice. "Yeah, its not funny" I whispered, not wanting to speak too loud because of the aching. "This is why you listen to me" Ash laughed making me wince and bury my head into the pillow.

"I'm sorry" I muttered, rolling my eyes. Thankfully, he didn't see that. "I know, but i'm still mad at you. Not as much as last night though" he reassured, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my shoulder. "What did i even do last night?" I asked, genuinely curious. Ash tensed up before shrugging. "You don't wanna know, Ma. Don't worry about it" he said, i just shrugged it off.

"Okay...do you mind getting me a tablet and some water, please?" I asked. He nodded and kissed my cheek before getting up. I rubbed my forehead and thought 'I'm never getting drunk again'

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