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In this, Ash is not as young as he was in the carnival episode, he's gonna be 15 in this:)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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In this, Ash is not as young as he was in the carnival episode, he's gonna be 15 in this:)
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I've always hated crowded places, so going to the carnival with Fez and Ash was a big mistake for me. Ashtray knew about my anxiety and promised he'd stick with me the whole night which made me feel a little better at first. Rue took me to the carnival, we were planning to meet Fez and Ash there so we rode our bikes.

When we got there, i got off my bike and turned back to Rue...but she wasn't there. I looked around but all I could see was the crowd..the crowd i did not want to walk through but i kinda had to if I wanted to find someone I knew. Ash, Fez, Maddy, Rue or Lexi. One of them, any of them. I took a deep breath and walked through the crowd.

The further i walked, the deeper my breathing got, i tried to control it but i went into a full panic mode. I was good at hiding it to be honest, only people who knew about my panic attacks knew what they looked like. Thats why i was happy when Maddy came running over. "Y/n! Y/n, calm down" she instructed soothingly. "Maddy?" I asked.

She held my shoulders gently while Cassie stood behind her, looking at me in concern. "I'm here, how can i help you?" She asked gently. I refused to meet her eyes, i was too busy trying to catch my breath. "I-i need Ash" i cried out. I heard her whisper a small 'okay' before her and Cassie wrapped their arms around my shoulders and took me to Ashtray.

"ASHTRAY, i got your girl!" Maddy yelled, Ash immediately opened the door to the pretzel stand and when he saw me, he gently took me from Maddy. "Thanks Maddy! Come on, ma. I've got you now" he whispered and i pulled him into a hug. My breathing was still uneven though, Ash definitely noticed that.

"Hey, look at me" he whispered, i looked into his eyes. They were filled with concern. "Just follow my breathing, okay. You'll be perfectly fine" he explained, rubbing underneath my eyes. He started breathing in and out, i slowly copied until i was okay again. "You okay now?" He asked and kissed my forehead.

I nodded and smiled up at him. "Yeah..i'm fine. Thank you for that" I replied and he pulled me into a careful hug. "I'll always be here to help, don't tell anyone i've gone soft on you though..." he spoke and I laughed at him. "I promise, Ash" I replied, shaking my head and rolling my eyes playfully.

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