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❝𝙹𝙰𝚅𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙾𝙽❞———————————————————————

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"YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE MICHELLE, A FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I yelled at my best friend, i found her making out with my boyfriend, Will. Tears ran down my face. "Y-y/n i-" she tried to speak but Will pushed her behind him slightly. "You. You're a cunt." I spat in his face, he stared at me emotionless. "I only used you for popularity...and to get this beautiful girl" he said, glancing at my best friend. Well ex best friend.

"Fuck you both. Actually fuck you both. You know how fast i can take your popularity away, right? Say goodbye and also, say goodbye to me because im so done with school, i'm homeschooling!" I snapped, i slapped him before walking away, Michelle stopped me before i walked far enough. "Y/n, please don't go, i need y-" i interrupted her with a slap to the cheek too. Double in one day, nice.

"Don't give me that bullshit, you're nothing but a bitch. I knew you were trying to get Will this whole entire time. Well congratulations, Michelle. You did." With that, I walked off. Leaving my ex best friend in the middle of the school hallway crying while everyone stood there in shock.

Michelle and i were inseparable since we were 5, the whole school thought we were sisters because we were constantly attached to each other. Will came along and we started dating and i knew something was up when they both grew distant.

When i set foot outside the school, i heard footsteps running after me. Maybe it was Michelle. I turned to yell but instead i was met with a boy. Brown eyes, buzz cut and eyebrow slit. Javon Wanna Walton. I liked him before i met Will. Will was kind of a distraction which obviously seemed to work. I never thought I would ever be with Javon Walton.

"Are...are you okay?" He asked hesitantly. I gave a weak smile and nodded, not wanting to talk. "It's okay if you're not...I would understand i mean- that seemed really rough back there" he explained, tears escaped my eyes but i was quick to wipe them. "Hey, come here. Can i hug you?" He asked comfortingly. I was kinda shocked. Well..not really, he was the sweetest boy in the school.

I nodded and Javon pulled me into a comfortable hug, it was nice and warm. I felt secure in his arms. "You can talk to me whenever, i'll be your friend too? You're funny, talented and extremely pretty. I like you" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "You're not s-saying that just to make me feel better, right?" I asked, Javon chuckled and played with my hair.

"Of course not, come on. You can hang out at mine. Meet my brothers and sister, they'd love you" he suggested, i smiled through tears. "Are you sure?" I questioned, Javon took my hand. "Positive. Come on, comfort buddy" he said causing me to laugh. I could tell we're gonna get along...

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