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Forgot who this was requested by, and yes I'm taking requests

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Forgot who this was requested by, and yes I'm taking requests. Send them if you want!
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"Y/N WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I heard my sister, Rue, yell at me. She flung my door open and i sat up in alarm. "We're heading down to the station, you gotta stay with Fez and Ashtray for awhile" she informed, i raised a brow and rubbed the tired out of my eyes. "I know who Fez is but...who the fuck is Ashtray?" I asked, she completely ignored me.

"Okay, walk away then?" I mumbled to myself. I got up, brushed my teeth, then did my hair. I didn't even want to have any breakfast so i just got changed into some clothes and walked outside to see Rue waiting for me. I was still tired as fuck.

"Why do i have to stay at Fez's?" I asked and she gave me a look as if it was obvious. "Because, mom is starting to think that you're doing drugs with me and i want you away from her so she doesn't do any drug tests on you or yell at you" she explained. I never told Rue, but i did do drugs. Maddy got me into it, along with Cassie.

I couldn't tell Rue, she'd be so disappointed. She always told me not to end up like her. A drug addict who OD'd. Mom was the only person ashamed of Rue. Gia and I supported her and tried to help. I mean...yeah- mom did too. She sent her to rehab, she still does drug tests on her. But she doesn't trust Rue like i trust Rue...or how Gia trusts Rue.

I nodded at my sister and i got on the back of her bike, holding her waist and she rode to the gas station. I was excited to see Fez again, I hadn't seen him since Rue came out of rehab. And this Ashtray guy..well, i've heard Rue talk about him drug dealing but i've never met the kid. I wonder if hes my age?

"Hey Rue?" I heard her hum in response. "How old is this Ashtray kid?" I asked and i heard Rue chuckle. "15, why?" "Just wanted to know" I replied and we soon arrived, i saw Fez smoking some weed, talking to some boy. I'm guessing that was Ashtray?

"Yo, Fez!" Rue called, we both got off the bike as Fez and Ashtray turned to look at us. "Hey Rue, Y/n. Fuck its been so long" he said i smiled awkwardly, sensing someones eyes on me. In the corner of my eye, i noticed Ashtray gazing at me. 'Damn, he is one good looking boy' I thought.

"Anyways, why is Y/n staying at ours again?" Fez asked. "Oh you know, my mom is starting to think she's doing drugs...so i wanna get her away for awhile" she explained. "All you gotta do is keep her away from drugs" she finished and nudged me. "Yeah.." I laughed awkwardly and she gave me a look but i brushed it off.

"Anyways, i have to get going but before i go..Ashtray, you got anything in the back?" Rue asked, i noticed Ashtray rolling his eyes. "Come on" he said and led her to...a freezer? Okay, cool? "So Y/n, you like parties?" I heard Fez ask. I looked at him and smiled. "They're okay, why?" I replied. "We're going to a new years eve party tomorrow, we're also taking Rue. Wanna come with us?" He offered. I thought about it for a second.

A party does sound fun.

"Okay, sure" i said. Ashtray and Rue came back out, i saw my sister shove something into her pocket and rolled my eyes knowing it was definitely weed or something. "Ight, i'm going, love you Y/n/n" Rue said and kissed my forehead before getting on her bike and riding away.

"Ash, take Y/n home. I'll have to stay here for a couple more hours, ight?" Fez explained. Ash nodded and tilted his head, signalling for me to follow. So i did. We got in the car and i sat in the passenger seat. I didn't want it to be awkward so i looked at Ashtray and gazed at his tattoos. "I like you're tattoos" i complimented.

His eyes focus on the road, the tiniest smile lifts at his lips but it slowly goes away. "Thanks i guess" he replied coldly. Starting to think he's bipolar. "Where did you get em done?" I asked and he smirked. "I did them myself, i even gave Rue one on her bottom lip" he replied, i gasped. "And she didn't invite me to get one too.." I muttered under my breath.

I heard Ash chuckle. "I can give you one if you want, might have to keep it hidden though. By the sound of your mom, I don't think she'll be cool with it" he explained and i sighed. "You're right on that one" I replied. "So...do you actually do drugs?" I heard Ash ask, i went silent and glanced at him.

He still had a smirk on his face.

"Taking that as a yes" he spoke up. I let out a huff. "Just- please don't tell Rue, she'll kill me!" I begged and Ash placed a hand on my knee. "You're secret is safe with me, Bennett" i felt flustered from his touch. Why though? I just met him...

Ash and I finally arrived back at his house. He suggested on watching a movie, and he picked the conjuring. I wasn't a massive fan of horror films but I didn't want to stop Ash from watching something he wants in his own house, right? Before he played the movie, he looked at me and said "you sure you wanna watch this?" i just nodded with a light smile.

"Ight" he replied and turned away immediately. We were sat really close to each other, none of us really noticed though. Our knees were touching, Ashtray was very focused on the movie. I flinched at a few parts, every time i did, Ash gently rubbed my knee. Another part, I screamed and it just made Ashtray laugh. "You're a fuckin' pussy" he teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully and smacked his shoulder. "I am not, that was just unexpected okay?" Ashtray shook his head with a smile before leaning on the sofa arm, bringing his eyes back to the tv. I kinda missed his touch but ignored it and went back to watching the movie. "Y/n" i heard Ash say. i hummed in response and looked at him.

He was holding his arms out to me.

"Are you sure?" I questioned and he smirked. "Of course ma, now get your ass here before i change my fuckin' mind" he replied. I smiled and laid on top of him. My head was on near the crook of his neck, our legs were intertwined, his arm went around my lower back while mine went around his middle.

"Thanks Ash" I mumbled. I heard him groan a little. "Whatever, now shut the fuck up and let me watch" I peaked up at him and saw the smallest smirk on his face. Maybe Ash had gone soft for me or something. Rue described him as a cold and rude person but..maybe thats only to her. I flinched at the film again and soon felt Ash rub small circles on my back where his hand was placed.

I felt myself slowly drift to sleep, in Ash's arms. Which wasn't even bad, i actually loved it...

(Part 2 out soon, any ideas?)

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