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I looked around my empty room which basically consisted of boxes now of my packed things. My parents got divorced and my mum is taking me to New York with her, i was moving away from everyone I loved and cared for...

Ashtray. Theres so many things i can say about that boy, so many things i love about him. He's my first boyfriend and i'll be leaving him soon..it broke my heart, his reaction a few days ago when i told him absolutely shattered me.

He cried. He actually cried. Fez and i were the only people Ashtray had and truly cared for. I was lucky enough that he took a liking to me and started to trust me more and more. As I walked out of my now empty home, i saw Ash stood outside, i immediately ran and jumped into his arms.

"Please dont go.." he whispered into my ear, voice filled with sadness. I held onto him tighter, feeling him bury his face into my shoulder. "I have to baby.." I replied, rubbing the back of his head. He pulled back to look at me, tears filling his eyes. "But i need you.." he blurted out, my heart ached and tears soon welled up in my eyes too.

I cupped his face gently and wiped away the tears that fell with my thumbs. "I'll come and visit you" i suggested but he shook his head. "Its not the same, Y/n" he sniffled and put his hand on top of mine, which was on his face. "I won't see you every day, i need to see you every day...I can't go through life without you, Y/n. I can't..." he whispered the last part, his voice slowly breaking.

I went to speak but my mum beeped the car, making me turn to look at her while Ash had his head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "HURRY UP Y/N!" She called. "A-ash, i gotta go" I spoke, i went to walk off but he dragged me back and kissed my lips, his tears escaping faster now. "S-stay with me and Fez, Y/n..we'll look after you" he begged, crying now.

"You know I can't do that, Ash. Fez already has enough on his plate. Taking care of you and the business, he doesn't need another kid" I explained,  Ashtray shook his head, breathing a little heavier. "y-you can't leave me, please" he cried. "I'll call you from New York, Ash..i'll still be with you" i spoke and then gave him one last kiss before walking to the car.

I got in and saw Ashtray standing there, not knowing what to do anymore. His nose was red and his cheeks had tears after tears running down them. I mouthed one last 'I love you' before my mum drove off. 3 minutes later, I received a message from Ash.

I love you more than anything..

Why did i have to leave him? Why did it have to be me? Were the only questions running through my head. I hope that one day, i'll be able to move back.

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