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This party's shit, wish we could dip
Go anywhere but here
Don't take a hit, don't kiss my lips
And please don't drink more beer

Y/n managed to drag me to a party, i hated parties and I thought she did too. Clearly not. She was drunk, so drunk. She was also doing loads of weed with Rue which didn't really make it much better.

I'ma crawl outta the window now
'Cause I don't like anyone around
Kinda hope you're following me out
But this is definitely not my crowd

I want to leave, I didn't like anyone at this party apart from Y/n. I've had a crush on her for awhile now. I want to leave this place and a part of me hopes Y/n follows me too. So i headed for the front door and to my luck, Y/n rushes after me. "WhErE yOu gOiNg?" She whined, grabbing my arms. "Going home" I replied bluntly. "Im CoMiNg tOo" was all she said before clinging onto my arm gently.

Nineteen but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Take me where the music ain't too loud
Trade drinks, but you don't even know her
Save me 'till the party is over
Kiss me in the seat of your Rover
Real sweet, but I wish you were sober

I couldn't stop thinking about how Y/n was acting at the party. She was acting older then she was. She made my knees go weak as i watched her dancing, laughing with Maddy, Rue and Lexi. She looked stunning. Before she got absolutely drunk out of her mind, she lead me over to a quiet area. Just to chill with me for awhile before she went back to Rue.

When we got back to my car, she sat in the seat beside me, her hand holding my thigh, dancing to the low music that was playing. I smiled gently at her and when we came to a stop, she looked at me and said "kiss me" i was surprised, but I didn't want to kiss her when she was drunk, thats wrong. "Not when you're like this" I replied.

I wish you were sober
(Wish you were so, wish you were so, wish you were sober)
I wish you were sober

Deep down, i was wishing she was sober as she said those words. But i know she'd never want to kiss me. I'm a 15 year old, anti social, drug dealer. A girl as perfect as Y/n doesn't want me.

Tripped down the road, walking home
You kissed me at your door
Pulling me close, begging me to stay over
But I'm over this rollercoaster

As we got out the car, Y/n was tripping, stumbling and giggling, when we got to her doorstep, she turned to look at me. "Please stAy" she whined, pulled me closer by my shirt. She always sends mix signals, even when she's sober. Its like a rollercoaster of emotions.

I'ma crawl outta the window now
Getting good at saying, "gotta bounce"
Honestly you always let me down
And I know we're not just hanging out

"I gotta go now, ma" i told her, she looked at me and grabbed my face, kissing my cheek. "I love you" she spoke before hugging me, i hugged back of course. Maybe we weren't just best friends hanging out, maybe she really wanted to be more?

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