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Ashtray. The most cold and dull boy in California. He's tough and absolutely HATES public affection. And when i say hate, I mean hate. He has nothing against me, he just dislikes the idea of hugging and kissing in public so openly to the point where people can see his soft side. Nobody but Fez and i have seen Ash's soft side. Cute right?

Fez has only seen his soft side towards me a couple times when he accidentally walks in on us cuddling or exchanging small pecks. Honestly, it didn't bother Ash if Fez saw it. He actually couldn't care less. Its just if anyone else saw it, they'd never let it go and probably tease Ashtay to the point he kills them with his hammer. Thats not even me exaggerating.

Nobody else actually knows the SOFT side of Ash. The one who loves cuddling, kissing and hugging. They only see the protective and cold side. He's only ever been extremely protective over Fez and i, which made me feel special knowing. Ashtray in private was the clingiest boy ever.

He's hold onto me as if I'd disappear the minute he lets go. I actually didn't mind it one bit, it was quite adorable actually. I loved his cuddles and quick kisses. He'd kiss me on the forehead, lips, neck, cheeks, nose or shoulder. They were only cute and soft kisses, the ones we enjoyed giving each other.

So here we are right now, Ash practically on top of me, face buried into my neck. He seemed to love that position. He loved holding me but at times, he loved being held. It was beyond adorable. Whenever i cuddled him, i'd rub his back. He mostly enjoyed it when it was his bare back so I'd often run my hand under the back of his shirt and rub again.

I started feeling a little hungry and knowing Ash, I wouldn't be able to get up easily. "Baby, i'm hungry lets make some lunch" I whispered in his ear, pausing my hand that was rubbing on his back and put my other one on the back of his neck. "Nooo.." he whined, tickling me. I chuckled at him and stroked his neck.

"Please Ash" I begged through small laughs. He groaned and i felt him shake his head. I huffed impatiently at the boy. "I'll give you extra cuddle time after, I promise" I whispered into his ear and he seemed to perk up a little. "Really?" He asked and sat up a little to look at me. "Of course" I replied and he leant down to peck my lips before getting up.

"I'll make sandwiches" he spoke before rubbing his eyes and walking out. I often promised him extra cuddling times when he refused to let go of me, it always worked because he knows I never break my promises. I followed the clingy boy out the room and found him and Fez having a talk in the kitchen, i decided to hide behind the wall so they thought i was still in Ashtrays room.

"You're in love with her man" Fez pointed out, Ash chuckled. "Of course i am..we haven't actually said i love you yet though" his little brother replied sadly, it was silent for a moment before Ash broke it. "D-...do you think Y/n thinks i'm too clingy?" The boy whispered and my heart ached. "Or maybe she thinks i give her too much space in public you know?" He panicked.

"Ash, do you know how much that girl loves you bro? You may not have said it yet but that doesn't mean she doesn't and it certainly doesn't mean she thinks you're clingy" Fez reassured him and thats when i walked out. "Ash, you're not clingy" i spoke with a grin, Ash looked up at me.

"You sure, ma?" He asked and i nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck while his went around my waist gently. "I'm sure...i love you" I whispered and he smiled brightly. "I love you too, FEZ SHE LOVES ME!" He yelled excitedly to his brother. "THATS RIGHT!" I yelled and pulled him into a kiss.

We were all smiling and to be honest, clingy Ash was one of my favourite sides of him.

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