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"soo..you want weed?"
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The party Rue invited me to was pretty boring. I was the only 15 year old there as far as i know. Rue went off, probably to make out with her girlfriend. I didn't know anyone else there. So i sat on the couch, taking small sips of my drink. Then, this boy sat down next to me with a hand full of money.

He was good looking. A diamond tattoo on one cheek and the initials 'AT' on the other. He had a buzz cut and a slit in one of his eyebrows which topped off his looks.

"The fuck you looking at?" Shit..didn't realise i was staring. I quickly turned away, mumbling a small 'sorry' but i just heard him chuckle. "You look so fucking bored, why are you here?" He asked. I sighed. "My friend Rue dragged me here saying that it'll be fun...but she fucked off with her girlfriend" I replied, the boy stared at me while i spoke.

"Rue? Rue Bennet?" He questioned and i nodded. "I know her, i give her some stuff" he said. "So you're a dealer? Thats why you're here?" I asked. "Pretty much, i only came here to earn some money" he answered and i looked at him. He did look like the type to deal...but he didn't act like it.

Maybe if i got to know him more, he would seem like he did. But i only just met him.

"Who did you come to the party with?" As an answer, the boy pointed to a familiar man. Fez! Then my eyes widened in realisation. "You're Ashtray, aren't you?" I asked and he looked at me in confusion. "Yeah, how'd you know?" I shrugged. "Well..Rue mentioned that Fez has a younger brother named Ashtray and her description of you is very similar"

"Why did she describe me to you?" He laughed. "Who knows" I replied with a laugh. Although i did know. Rue told me about Ashtray because she wanted me to meet him so we could be close friends and i guess the universe agreed with her?

"You know my name, now i gotta know yours" Ash smirked, i looked at him and smiled. "I'm Y/n" I replied and he nodded. "Pretty" he mumbled and looked away, i smiled brightly at his compliment.

"Soo...want some weed?" He questioned. "Sure!" Just as he was about to get some out, i got a call from someone. "Shit, hold on" i said and Ash nodded. "Hello?" I spoke after I answered the phone. "Hey Y/n, it's Maddy...you actually don't know me but Rue told me about you. So uhh- Rue is insanely drunk, want me to take you guys home?" She explained, this Maddy girl seemed nice!

"Omg sure, if you don't mind. Umm- by any chance, do you know what happened to Jules?" I heard Maddy huff. "No, she fucking dipped after Rue had one drink. No wonder she had more. I'm by the entrance, see you in a minute" she answered then hung up. I always knew Jules wasn't the best girlfriend.

I sighed and turned to Ash. "Sorry Ash, gotta go. Rue's girlfriend ditched her and Rue is now drunk out of her fucking mind" I explained and he nodded in understanding. I got up and said goodbye but Ash quickly grabbed my wrist. "You really think you're leaving without my number?" He asked with a grin and slipped his phone number into my hand.

"See you soon, Y/n" was all he said before walking over to Fez. I smiled and walked off...ready to take care of a drunk Rue. But with Maddy's help. It wouldn't be easy though, I couldn't stop thinking about Ashtray. Maybe drunk Rue will help me stop?

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