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Ash, Fez and I decided to have a movie night. Halfway through, Fez went to bed as he was tired so it was just Ash and i. When the movie ended, we eventually headed to bed and Ashtray gave me one kiss on the lips before he fell straight to sleep.

I was wide awake. It was raining outside and looked like it was about to thunder too. Of course, i was right and i hated that i was. Thunderstorms were horrible, i hated them so much. They terrified me, the loudness was so unnecessary. I never told Ash about my fear of them though, i knew he'd laugh.

Ash was facing the other way, at night he didn't really cuddle because it got too hot for both of us. There were some nights where we did though. I tried to ignore the loud noises outside and the crack of lightning and shoved my head into the pillow, but no matter how hard i tried to drown the noise out.

It didn't work.

I turned over to look at Ash, i could tell he was in a deep peaceful sleep. I gently moved closer and rested my head on his back, moving my arms around his waist. I felt his hand slowly move and intertwine with mine. "Y/n?" He mumbled lazily. I hummed in response and he turned over.

"Ma..you alright?" He asked in a tired tone, his eyes filled with care. I nodded, though i was lying. Forgetting Ashtray knew exactly when i was lying and when I wasn't. "Don't lie to me" he said in a stern tone, yet it was so gentle too. "Its just the thunder..." I whispered, embarrassed. I was kinda shocked when he carefully pulled me on top of him so my head was laying on his chest.

"As long as i'm here, nothing and i mean nothing, can hurt you" he murmured in attempt to comfort me. His gentle voice made me forget the thunder. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and his hand ran up and down my spine in a reassuring matter. "Just go to sleep, i've got you, ma.." he whispered, kissing my forehead then my nose.

I smiled to myself and rubbing his side. "I love you so much" I mumbled and Ash pressed another kiss to my forehead. "I love you more, ma. More than i know" i heard him whisper back and after that. I fell into a deep and peaceful sleep...

A/n: I'm working on song imagines so just enjoy this small comfort one cuz i LIVE for these types of imagines!!!

Ashtray/Javon imagines Where stories live. Discover now