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"it wasn't real, i'm not leaving you

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"it wasn't real, i'm not leaving you.."
"do you promise?"
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I sobbed as the S.W.A.T members came inside. Ashtray was in the bathroom, refusing to come out while i sat on the floor beside Fez, trying to keep blood from spilling out of his wound. I knew something terrible would happen but I didn't think Fez would get shot from it. I couldn't stop crying.

I didn't want anything to happen to Ashtray, but it seemed like it was. I looked towards him and there was a red dot trailing up his body, he was breathing heavily and his eyes made contact with mine. "I love you" he mouthed, i shook my head in disbelief, not wanting him to leave me. I screamed as i heard a shot and the thud of his body. "ASH!!"

I woke up, gasping for air. I was in Ashtrays room, where i had fallen asleep in his arms. But he wasn't there, it made me panic a little. "Ash?!" I called out, sniffling a bit. I heard footsteps and soon, Ash appeared at the door. "You alright, ma?" He asked. I pulled him close to me, he was now standing in between my legs as my head rested on his chest.

"I love you" I whispered as tears escaped my eyes, thinking about Ashtray dying and actually seeing it in my dream scarred me. "I love you more, ma. Are you crying?" He asked, he cupped my chin and made me look up at him which made me cry even more. "Hey, hey...you're okay, whats wrong?" He questioned, kissing my forehead.

"Nightmare" i cried and Ash pulled me closer and rubbed my back gently. "What happened in your nightmare, ma?" He whispered softly. I adored this side of Ash. "You died.." I mumbled, burying my head into the crook of his neck. "Baby..." he breathed out, rubbing my hips gently. "I couldnt even stop it, there was nothing I could do" i sobbed and clutched onto him, my fingers gripping onto his tracksuit.

"Y/n, listen to me, look at me" he said, i pulled away and did exactly what he said. "It wasn't real, i'm not leaving you.." he spoke, his thumb caressing my cheek. I melted into his touch immediately. "Do you promise?" I asked and he smiled at me. "I promise and i never break my promises with you" he replied.

Later on, Ashtray was counting his money at the gas station. I refused to leave his side and surprisingly, Ash didn't mind. I would've expected him to be pissed off by me but he wasn't. I stood by him as he counted and soon he looked up at me and grinned.

"Why the fuck are you standing, come here" Ash said, patting his lap. I smiled and sat down, he kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder while he continued 'working' i guess you could say.

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