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❝𝙹𝙰𝚅𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙾𝙽❞———————————————————————

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The moment I opened my eyes, i rushed downstairs in excitement. Today was Y/B/D, my sweet 16th! I was surprised my mum didn't wake me up. "Morning mum!" I greeted and she hummed in response before going back to her phone call. I furrowed my brows but shrugged it off thinking she was busy with her job call.

I went into the kitchen to see my dad cooking breakfast but..it wasn't my regular birthday breakfast, actually, it wasn't even for me. It was for him, my mum and my brother. "Dad, do you know what day it is today?" I asked with a grin. "Yeah, your brothers big baseball game!" He replied with a laugh before calling for my brother, Liam.

I frowned and when my brother came down, i looked at him. "Do..do you know what day it is today?" He chuckled. "Yes, nerd. My big game, now move" he shoved me out the way. Mum, dad and my brother were sat at the table eating breakfast and smiling while i stood at the doorway with tears in my eyes. 'They really forgot about my birthday...' I thought sadly before storming up to my room.

"Y/N, ITS TIME TO LEAVE!" I heard my mum yell. I sighed and quickly shoved an outfit on. I looked at the special outfit i was gonna wear today, i sniffled before looking away and walking out and downstairs to the car. I stayed silent the whole ride there.

 I stayed silent the whole ride there

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(your outfit, if u want!)

When we arrived, Liam went off with his baseball team while my parents and i sat on the benches, right beside this other family. There was 2 boys, one older, one younger. A girl who looked around 17 and two adults, assuming they're the parents. They were also cheering on some boy named 'Jaden' i think thats one of Liams friends actually?

While i was sat down, i noticed one of the boys sit next to me. He looked around my age and had a buzz cut which suited him perfectly. "Yo, you're Liam's sister, right?" He asked, i looked at him. "Yeah...how'd you know?" He grinned. "Liam is one of Jaden's friends, hes spoken about you before" he replied, i just smiled and nodded slowly.

"Uhhh..are you okay?" He questioned hesitantly. "I'm fine" I replied bluntly and he sighed. "Look, i know we just met but..you seem really mad at something" he pointed out, i blinked away the forming tears. "It's nothing. Why do you care anyway?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Well..you seem nice and you're extremely pretty and you kook really upset and i just wanna know if you're okay" he explained.

I thought about it. "I don't even know your name" I spoke and he shrugged. "I'm Javon, now you" i smiled lightly. "I'm Y/n" I replied. "Okay, now can you tell me?" He asked hopefully. "Fine..today's my 16th birthday and my family don't even care. It's like they've forgotten it" I answered sadly and Javon frowned before smirking.

"Come with me" he held out his hand. I gave him a skeptical look but soon took it. He dragged us away from the benches and walked out of the match. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Wherever you want, it's your birthday" he smiled, i felt my heart melt. "Wh- but..what about Jaden's game?" I questioned. "I can go to millions of them, now lets go!" He chuckled and we made our way into town.

Javon was the sweetest guy ever, wherever I wanted to go, he took me. We had some food, he paid. I felt my heart bursting at every single thing that happened. Javon told me to wait outside while he went to go and grab something, he came back with a box and inside the box was a frog teddy. I gasped because frogs were my favourite and i told Javon this when we were eating.

"Javon oh..THANK YOU!" I pulled him into a hug and he smiled into my shoulder. "Why would you do all this..i mean i'm grateful for every single thing we've done today but, why?" I questioned and he smiled at me. "I couldn't let a pretty girl spend her 16th birthday alone. You looked like you could use some happiness" he teased and i rolled my eyes playfully. "Very funny, Javon"

We made it back to my house which was luckily a few houses down from Javon's. "Thank you so much for today, Wanna..honestly, it's probably the best birthday i've ever had" I explained and his eyes widened. "Really?" I nodded. "Yeah, because i met you" I whispered and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Javon stood there, red rosy cheeks and his eyes widened but a goofy smile formed on his face. He was so happy he met me tonight and i was so glad to meet him too. Thanks to those who forgot my birthday, wouldn't of done it without you!

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