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❝𝙹𝙰𝚅𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙾𝙽❞———————————————————————

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It's been a couple of days since i asked Javon on well...a date? I was getting excited because today was the day we were meeting up. I messaged Javon and in 2 minutes, he replied.

                                                MY FAVOURITE🍀
                                                       Leaving now:)

Wait no, i'll pick you up;)

                                              MY FAVOURITE🍀
                                                        are u sure??

yeah, don't be stupid.
see you in 5 <3

I got butterflies in my stomach, this boy was literally the sweetest in the entire world. I was actually a big fan of Javon, i doubt he's a fan of me though. Hes way more popular than me, people only know me from stranger things as its the only thing i've acted in. I waited for 5 minutes and soon noticed Javon's car pulling up outside.

I got up and walked out my house, rushing to his car. "Hey" he greeted with a smile. God, his smile. "Hi" I replied. "So, wanna go eat then we can do some shopping if you want?" He suggested, i smiled with a nod. "Sure, sounds fun" i said and he drove off. We continued talking until we arrived at a small cafe. Javon ordered a strawberry milkshake and i ordered a chocolate one.

We sat down at a table and suddenly, Wanna said "did you know i was actually a big fan of you.." he chuckled, i was quite shocked. "Really?" I asked with a laugh at he nodded, giving a smile which showed off his beautiful dimples. "Well, i'm a fan of you too" i replied and we both laughed. "What made you wanna hang out with me?" He questioned.

"I've liked you for a little while and Zendaya convinced me to tell you if not, at least ask you to hang out with me" i was so busy answering his question that I didn't realise that i had just confessed to him, my eyes widened and so did his. "You like me?" He whispered in a questionable tone. I grinned awkwardly and avoided eye contact.

"Y/n, look at me" i heard Wanna say. I slowly and carefully turned my head to look at him again. He has the cutest and biggest smile on his face. "You actually like me?!" He questioned and when i nodded, he squealed making me let out a laugh. "I CANT BELIEVE IT?! I like you too, like very much!!" He spoke in excitement.

It felt like my heart was doing backflips and smacking so hard against my ribs that it ripped through my chest a little. Javon Wanna Walton actually liked me back, it was absolutely amazing.

"Wow, what a great outcome for this date" i teased with a smirk. Javon blushed a little. "So Y/n?" He said, i hummed in response. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, i smiled once again, I swear my mouth hurt from all this smiling. "Of course i do, Wanna" I answered and he pressed a kiss to my hand. This was the start of a beautiful relationship. I could tell already.

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