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"what the fuck is this?""just some cocaine

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"what the fuck is this?"
"just some cocaine..."
Requested by 1-800-Dahlia
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Tonight was carnival night. I was going with Gia and her friends. In all honesty, she and her friends piss the fuck out of me, but I didn't really have anyone else to go with. We walked into the carnival, it was bright with colours and extremely loud. "So what do you wanna do..." i turned back to where Gia was stood only to see that she wasn't there.

"...first..." I whispered and groaned in annoyance. Another thing, i swear Gia didn't really like me. She only used me to sneak some weed so her sister doesn't find out. As i wondered through the crowd, I accidentally bumped into someone. A girl with curly hair, she was extremely pretty. "Sorry- hey! You came here with my sister, right?" She asked.

"Uhh, yeah, i'm Y/n" I replied and she smiled. "I'm Rue uhh, do you know where she is?" She asked bluntly, i sighed in sadness and shrugged, she noticed the look on my face. "Did my bitch of a sister ditch you?" She exclaimed and i laughed lightly. "Yeah but so what, i'm used to it" she was about to say something else but stopped and looked around with a frustrated look.

"Listen, i'll talk to her. After that, we'll meet at the pretzel stand, just stay there until i find her alright?" She explained and i nodded. She gave me a smile before walking off to find Gia while i went off to find the pretzel stand. I was actually craving a pretzel now.

Once i found it, i noticed that a cute boy was running it. He had a slit through one eyebrow and two tattoos on his cheeks. One said 'AT' the other one was a diamond. I walked over and he looked at me, straight in the eyes. "Guessing you want a pretzel" he spoke up and i just nodded. He handed me one and I noticed white sprinkles on it, i immediately knew it was some kinda drug.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked, referring to the white stuff. The boy rolled his eyes. "Just some cocaine..." he replied and I laughed. "Uhh, yeah..i'm not in the mood to have drugs right now, could i just get a normal one?" I asked, my tone was bored and a little bit sad cause of a certain cunt, Gia.

"Sure" the buzzcut boy shrugged and handed me a normal one while taking the other away. "Whats got you so sad?" He asked, i huffed. "This bitch whose supposed to be my friend, she's using me for something" I replied, not wanting to give too much information. The boy hummed in response. "They seem shit" he replied making me laugh.

"Yeah. She is" i said. We stood in comfortable silence for a little before the boy spoke up again. "Whats yo name?" He questioned, i looked at him. "Y/n, and you?" He smiled the tiniest bit. "Ashtray, but you can call me Ash" he said, i nodded. We started chatting for awhile, he seemed cool. Actually no, he WAS cool.

"HEY GIA'S FRIEND!" I heard a yell which disturbed mine and Ash's conversation. I spun around to see Rue and an annoyed Gia. "Wait, your friend was Gia?" Ashtray asked in disgust, i rolled my eyes at him. "Don't remind me." I replied and he laughed. "WE GOTTA GO!" Rue yelled once again. "ONE SECOND" i shouted back.

"Got any paper?" I asked Ash, he shrugged and looked around and soon spotted a piece of paper, he handed it to me. I quickly wrote down my number and pulled some money out of my pocket to pay for the pretzel. "Keep the change" I whispered, opening up Ash's hand, placing the money along with my number into it, before walking off to Rue.

I looked back at Ashtray one last time to see his face full of surprise and I didn't fail to notice the small smile that rose upon his lips. He gazed up at me one more time and sent a quick wink before Maddy and Cassie walked up to the stall, blocking my view.

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