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"I SWEAR YOU ARE CHEATING ASH, THAT GIRL WAS ALL OVER YOU!" I yelled as Ash drove the car, he was majorly frustrated. I was mad at him because of something that happened at the party. "Y/N, IT WASNT MY FAULT SHE WAS ALL OVER ME!" He shouted back. He punched the steering wheel in anger and distress.

"YOU COULD'VE STOPPED HER" i argued and watched as my boyfriend rolled his eyes. "Don't fucking roll your eyes at me, Ashtray" i snapped, he looked surprised that i used his actual name. But soon snapped out of it and got out the car, slamming the doors. I got out too and followed him up to his house. I kinda lived there too.

Once we got in, he shut the front door and locked it before grabbing my arm and shoving me on the couch, he kneeled in front of me. "You know how much it fucking hurts to hear your girlfriend screaming at you and accusing you of cheating? I tried so hard to get that stupid girl to stop grinding on me but she wouldn't stop, then you walked in. You got so fucking mad and wouldn't let me explain" he explained in a dangerously low tone.

I decided to be difficult with him.

"You could've fucking pushed her off you, are you stupid?" I spoke in anger, I could tell Ash was getting more frustrated each second. "I'm not gonna hurt a girl, Y/n. People would start hating me for that. Plus that girl who was grinding on me in one of the most popular girls and a good liar, if i pushed her, she wouldn't made up some lie and say i hit her" my boyfriend informed. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and walked off.

"Y/N!" Ash yelled after me. I stormed into his room and shut the door loudly. I slid down the door and flinched when i heard him throwing stuff. I cried and cried, Ash didn't come back to his room. Guessing he was sleeping on the couch tonight. I got in his bed and fell straight to sleep.

The next day, i packed a small bag to stay at Maddy's. As I walked out of the bedroom, Ash sat up from the couch and looked at me. "Where you going?" He asked. I ignored him and walked out the front door, making sure it slammed behind me. I wanted Ashtray to know i was pissed at him.

I arrived at Maddys and we just watched movies together, went out shopping and baked. I had loads of messages from Ash, but I didn't read them until Maddy was fast asleep.

where u goin?
sent at 10:45am
Answer me!
sent at 10:48am
Look, i'm sorry about last night..
i should've pushed her away.
sent at 10:56am
I just wanna know if you're safe..
text me later...
sent at 11:00am
Are you okay? Y/n, you're worrying me!
sent at 2:30pm
Are we like...over?
sent at 2:35pm
Please don't leave me, i love you..
sent at 2:49
I'll leave you alone...i miss you...
please be okay, please.
sent at 2:53pm

That was the last message i got from him, he knew when to leave me alone when I was annoyed. My heart ached when he begged me not to leave him though, it bought tears to my eyes. I noticed that i had also gotten 2 voice messages from him, i clicked onto it and began listening..

"Y/n, i know you probably don't wanna hear my voice right now, or even think about me. I just wanted to say sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I'd never cheat on you, you're the only girl i dream of having, I can't imagine my life without you.."

"Y/n, please come back. Please don't leave me, i need you. I love you so much. I-i hate it when you're mad..I don't want th-this to be over. Please come home, p-please come home.." he whispered the last part and it completely broke me, i felt awful. I got up from the bed and packed all my stuff, leaving a note for Maddy before leaving to see Ash.

I arrived at the house, the door was unlocked so I opened it and shut it behind me, locking it, unlike Ashtray. On the couch, my boyfriend was in a deep sleep. His cheeks were tear stained, his nose looked red too. Along with his cheeks. Without Fez here (as he's staying with Lexi for a few days) Ash probably cried more than he ever has in his teenage life.

My heart broke looking at him. I was so stupid, why didn't I listen to his explanation, why didn't i trust him? I walked over and shook him awake. His eyes slowly opened and when he saw me, he shot up and hugged me tight. "Y/N! I'm so fucking sorry, i love you more than anything, please don't break up with me-" he started ranting and let a few tears loose.

"Ssh, shh, i'm not breaking up with you" i reassured, holding his head into my chest. I rubbed the back of his head and kissed his temple. "I'm sorry Ash, for not listening to you..i was in a horrible mood, i know you'd never cheat" I whispered, he sniffled. "You don't have to apologise" he whispered. "You had every right to be mad at me.."

We stood in silence, i was holding Ashtray and i could feel his weight getting heavier, indicating that he was falling asleep on me as we stood up. "Come on, lets get you to bed, love" i murmured, he nodded and i took his hand and we made our way to his room and cuddled, happy once again..

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