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❝𝙹𝙰𝚅𝙾𝙽 𝚆𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙾𝙽❞———————————————————————

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I was peacefully relaxing in my room, scrolling through tiktok and even making a few before my mum came bursting through the door. "Guess who i saw today?" She asked happily, i furrowed my brows and put my phone down, sitting up. "I dunno, someone interesting?" I guessed and she rolled her eyes.

"No, my best friend from school!" She exclaimed and i chuckled. "Oh no, that was totally my second guess.." I replied sarcastically and my mum rolled her eyes once again. "Just get changed, we're having dinner at hers tonight. She also has 4 kids, 2 of them are your age so you'll be fine" she informed before walking out of my room.

I sighed and got up, putting a nice outfit on. I suspect mum would want me to look nice but not too formal. So i shoved on some jeans, a top and a red jacket. It looked nice, very nice.

(change iyw but I absolutely adore this)

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(change iyw but I absolutely adore this)

"Y/N, COME ON, WE'RE LEAVING!" I heard my mum shout up to me. "OKAY!" I called back before grabbing my phone and rushing downstairs. We drove to the house and when we arrived, i saw a young boy and a girl a little older than me filming a tiktok in the front yard, it was pretty cute.

The girl with long, jet black hair turned and saw us, immediately smiling. "You must be Y/n and Laura, it's lovely to meet you both. MUM, THEY'RE HERE!" She yelled out. "Follow me" she finished with a smile before leading us inside. When we walked through the door, a woman smiled happily and hugged my mum while i stood awkwardly behind her. When they pulled away, the woman looked at me.

"You must be Y/n, gosh..you look so much like your mum when she was young" she spoke, her voice was somewhat soothing and her smile was gorgeous, much like the girl from outside. "I'm Jessica, those 4 over there are Daelo, Jaden, Javon and Jayla" she informed, pointing at the kids. Daelo the youngest, Jayla the oldest. "And this is my husband, DJ" she finished. I smiled.

"Its really nice to meet you guys" i said and Jessica gave me a side hug. "Jayla, why don't you take everyone upstairs to watch a movie while the adults catch up on each other" DJ suggested and Jayla nodded. "Come on guys, Y/n too!" She said, giving me a sweet smile, she was honestly gorgeous.

The two twins were pretty too. But for some reason i was kinda drawn to Javon, there was something about him...I couldn't quite place my finger onto it.

"So Y/n, how old are you?" Javon asked, walking next to me. "15, i turn 16 in Y/B/M (your birth month)" I answered with a smile. "Oh cool, so we're the same age" he spoke happily and i nodded. He was extremely cute. Suddenly, i felt a hand on my arm. "Hi, I'm Daelo, i'm seven" the little boy spoke, he was the one with Jayla outside.

"Its very nice to meet you Daelo, and i've got to say, i love your name" I informed and he giggled happily. "Thank you, Y/n!" He said and then ran off to his room. "Well..as Daelo has ran off to play fortnite, wanna watch a horror movie?" Jaden asked as we entered Jayla's room. "Oh my god, yes! I love horror movies!" I exclaimed and their faces lit up.

"Great, we do too!" Jaden said and we all got comfortable on the bed..or on a pillow on the floor. Jaden and Jayla on the bed, Javon and i on the floor. We scrolled through Netflix for a little while before finally choosing a movie. We settled down and halfway through the film, Javon squealed like a baby and clutched onto my hand.

His siblings and I laughed while he blushed in embarrassment. "Aww, its okay. I'll look after you, Javon" i teased and pulled him closer. He blushed even more when he heard me. "Stop it!" He whined, crossing his arms. The movie ended just in time for dinner, it was only when it finished when I noticed how close Javon and i were.

"Sorry.." I mumbled and got up, he smiled at me. God was his smile absolutely gorgeous. "Its cool" he replied and got up, walking out the room with Jaden. "You totalllyyyy like him" I heard Jayla laugh from behind me, i jumped and turned. "Do not!" I protested making her chuckle. "Whatever you say, Y/n, whatever you say" she said before walking out. I followed her not long afterwards.

"Is it just you two then?" Jessica asked, wanting to know where the hell my dad is. My mum sighed sadly. "Yeah, just us. Y/n's dad left me after he found out i was pregnant with her..but thankfully I didn't go through the pregnancy alone, i found out i didn't need him in the first place" my mum explained.

I've never met my dad, but have seen some pictures of him and sometimes my mum and i gossip about him when she finds out one small detail about him. Like how he's married now and has a child. That hurts the most, he didn't even try to get to know me.

I snapped out my thoughts when i felt a hand on mine. I turned to see Javon. "You okay?" He whispered and i nodded with a smile. "I'm fine" I replied and he nodded in relief. Javon was starting to grow on me, he really was the sweetest boy ever.

After dinner, Jayla was getting to know my mum, Daelo and Jaden were playing fortnite and DJ and Jessica were also chatting with my mum. Javon and i were in the living room on the couch talking about random stuff. "Do you go to school?" He asked and i gave him a funny look. "Yeah?" I replied with a laugh. "Oh- I'm homeschooled, what's actually school like?" He questioned.

"Its not the best..i guess it's easier to learn though. I don't have much friends to be honest, i get bullied half the time" i laughed but Javon didn't, he gave me a sympathetic look. "Well don't worry, you have friends now. Me, Jayla, Jaden, Daelo and soon, we'll introduce you to Kylee. You two seem like you'd get along" he explained and my heart was beating so fast in my chest.

"Thanks Javon..I'm really glad i met you tonight. And your family too, you're all so nice" I complimented, he blushed with a smile. "No problem, hey, do you want my number?" He asked. I shrugged. "Sure, why not" we exchanged phone numbers and when my mum and i left later, Javon and i spent the whole night getting to know each other. It was perfect.

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