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I woke up with the feeling of something warm on the back of my neck, i smiled and squirmed as it tickled me a little. When i was fully awake, i knew it was Ashtray and his morning kisses. "Stop!" I laughed, Ash smirked and buried his face into the crook of my neck gently. "Morning, ma" he mumbled softly. I turned my head a little to look at him.

"Morning, love" I replied. I turned to face him fully and he moved his head down into my chest. I chuckled at him. Ashtray was always extra clingy in the mornings. "We gotta get up baby, we're helping Fez at the station today and we're going to Maddy's party later" I explained and i heard him groan.

"Can't we stay in bed and cuddle all day?" He whined, i rolled my eyes playfully. "No Ash, how about we cuddle for 10 more minutes then we get up?" I suggested, he looked up at me with his hazel eyes and huffed. "Fine" he replied before holding onto me tighter, but not enough to hurt me. Ash was always a stubborn boy, im surprised he actually agreed so easily.

I rubbed his head and pressed gentle kisses to his forehead. He rubbed my sides and moved his head to my neck once again. One of his favourite cuddling positions was being on top of me, cuddled up to my chest or buried into the crook of my neck. It always showed off his soft side which is why i loved it.

We continued cuddling, kissing and talking for 5 more minutes until Fez burst through the door. "What the fuck, y'all are still in bed?" He asked, slightly agitated. Ash sat up to glare at him. "Stay mad about it, bro" was all he said before laying on top of me again. "Get yo lazy asses up" Fez demanded. Ash huffed, sat up and grabbed a pillow before throwing it at Fez.

I let out a small laugh while the brothers glared at each other. "A pillow won't change my mind. Now both of you, get up and get ready, we're leaving soon" he informed in a stern tone giving Ash one last look before walking out. I burst out laughing. "You threw a pillow at him, really?" He just rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Shut up or i'll do way worse then throwing a pillow at you" he teased before getting up.

"Oh, is that a threat?" I asked and he looked at me. "No, its a promise. Now put this on" he threw my favourite tracksuit of his to me. "Wait- you're actually letting me wear this?" I asked with a big smile on my face. "Of course ma, it's your favourite one" he replied with a soft grin, my heart melted.

I loved mornings with Ashtray.

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