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"Ash, have you ever had a girlfriend?""Yeah, a little while ago

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"Ash, have you ever had a girlfriend?"
"Yeah, a little while ago..."
Ash is 15 in this.
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Ash was counting money in the freezer peacefully, not much people have been in today to buy anything. Nobody apart from Lexi, who just wanted to see Fez. The girl strolled in, looking for Fez but he wasn't in the gas station yet. So she went to see Ash, Lexi has been wanting to ask him a question for awhile now.

She wondered into the freezer, Ashtray looked up and rolled his eyes when he saw her. "The fuck you want?" He asked rudely, Lexi was used to his attitude, ever since her and Fez got together, so it didn't bother her at all. "Ash, have you ever had a girlfriend?" She asked, the boy froze. He had no idea why she was asking him this.

"Yeah, a little while ago..." he replied, his voice was sad but he tried to contain it, not wanting to show any sort of emotion in front of Lexi. "What was she like?" She asked, leaning on the table. Ash gazed at her, looking to see if she was serious. She was. He rolled his eyes at her and put the money down.

"Her name was Y/n. We got together when we were 13...and she died a few months ago" he explained, memories of the beautiful girl popped up in his head. He hated thinking about her because every time he did, tears would fall and he didn't want to cry in front of her. "What did she look like?" Lexi asked, Ash just wanted to crawl up and die. He knew he was going to break.

"She had nice Y/H/C hair, the most beautiful Y/E/C eyes and her smile was perfect...she would often wear jeans, i feel like thats all i saw her in. Even at parties she'd just wear a pair of my sweatpants and a hoodie" Ash laughed at the memory, tears forming in his eyes. Lexi noticed this, she knew how hard it was for Ashtray to show any sort of emotion so it did shock her a little.

"Ash..i'm so sorry..what even happened to her?" The brunette asked. Ashtray seemed to not care about the questions anymore. "Fez and i did a deal..Y/n was there too. I told her to stay in my room but she was stubborn and didn't listen, she hated me bossing her around. She didn't know i only did it to keep her safe..." he began explaining, Lexi's eyebrows furrowed, her heart ached for him.

"I guess i failed on keeping her safe..she came out of the room and saw him holding a gun up to Fez and i and immediately yelled at him...he shot her and after that, he just left" his explanation went down to a whisper, his voice breaking as memories of the girl he loved died right in front of him. "I miss her" he finally broke, it was unnatural to Lexi.

The older girl pulled him into a hug. Ashtray didn't say it a lot but he was grateful for Lexi. She was like an older sister to him..actually she was almost like a mother figure. He'd never tell her that though. Lexi swayed him back and forth, comforting him the best she could. She would never have thought that Ashtray would be sobbing in her arms...over a girl...

As Lexi held a broken Ash in her arms, Fez turned up. He walked into the freezer and saw his girlfriend and his little brother. Fez knew why Ash was crying, only because it's the only thing Ashtray would cry about. He missed Y/n too, he saw her as a younger sister and wanted to protect her with his life.

But they couldn't...
And they'll always feel guilty for that.

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