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Today is our 6th birthday.

This is a birthday party and also a farewell party for my father.

He will go somewhere far away for work and rarely come back home. Han and I are very sad but we are good children, we will not stop our father from going to work. Because that looks stupid.

The party went very smoothly. The next day we sent my father out to sea.

My father is probably the boss, there's even a train to pick him up. My father left the mainland on a very large ship. It is different from normal ships. Because it's a navy ship.

Han and I seemed to fly with the wind. Because we didn't know our father was a marine.

How can my father be so cool. Obviously just an old man who is afraid of his wife, puts his wife first, hangs around the house all day, clinging to his wife like a plate.


Well, the surprise was the surprise. Just accept the truth.

After all, my father is really cool.


Time goes by, we are now 7 years old. We're getting older, we're starting to form different interests and habits, but we're still brothers, we're still friends.

We may always argue with each other, sometimes we fight, but we always understand each other and are closer than anyone.

We have a world and it is our own domain. Anyone can't get in.

We are two but also one.

Today marks 1 year since my father returned to headquarters.

We often send letters to him, at first, he responds very quickly. But we haven't heard from him lately, so we're very worried about him.

At night, when we were sleeping, suddenly there was a noise in the yard.

It was screams and fury.

Han and I woke up startled. We looked through the large window overlooking the courtyard.

There's a bunch of gunmen killing everyone in our family.

They only have about 6 to 7 people, or more. They were entering the mansion with the disgusting smell of blood that made me want to vomit. Han and I ran to the living room, where my mother was always every night.

She was still sitting there. When she saw us, she sat up, pulled us into a secret room, and then closed it, before closing she told us to sit inside and not make a sound. No matter what you see, don't cry.

We could only nod our heads and do as our mother told us to.

I grabbed Han's hand tightly.

Finished, she sat on that sofa again, and continued to wait.

A moment later, there was a very strong opening of the door or in other words, the door was destroyed.

Two people entered. They are the people we see in the yard. One man wears a flamingo fur coat and the other a black one.

The two of them were unusually tall.

Suddenly the man in the pink coat said:

- Long time no see, Madam Mari! Let's reminisce about the past!

- I have nothing to say to you, Doflamingo!

-Fufufufu! If we need something, we'll come here. She already knew that!

- Ha! Are you still so haunted? You are no longer a celestial dragon, Doflamigo.

Like being touched by an upside-down scale, the man released silk threads that wrapped around my mother's neck.

- Your name has a word that disgusts me so much. And you're crafty too. Cooperate with the authorities, make deals with them, then hide your real name for decades. Am I right, Bloo D Mari?

I was startled. The letter D. The special thing of the letter D, the celestial dragon, twisted eyebrows, special ability. All is clear. This is One Piece.

My heart sank, my head ached terribly. I remember. I died from the falling shelf, my mother, the heat of Hanoi, my previous life and including the plot that I had read.

In it, a chilling villain was standing in front of me, the Donquixote family, Doflamingo.

My body trembled, my foot hit the door of the secret room. A sound rang out. The Doflamingo noticed and spoke in a voice that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

- YA YA YA YA! There's a mouse hiding somewhere. If you come out here, I'll probably spare your life.

I suddenly panicked. That guy is approaching. What should I do.

While I was thinking, the door to the secret room opened.

Han stepped out, a gun in his hand. Since when did he get that gun? But he didn't cry, he spoke very loudly and clearly.

- Bastard! Get the hell out of my house now.

Doflamingo grinned.

-Mari, you have an older son.

- Do not touch my son!

While saying that, my mother jumped up to do something, but the thread of that bastard tightened. My mother struggled to pull the thread out but couldn't.

Han suddenly shouted "LET GO OF MY MOTHER" and fired a shot at Doflamingo.

He quickly pulled my mother to the front as a cannonball and then shot a shot at Han.


Both my mother and Han fell.

Everything happened so fast. I'm stiff. I can not do anything

I was unable to do anything. Can only watch his mother and brother die.

I covered my mouth with my hand.

My eyes sting. My throat constricted. I bit into my hand, holding back the groans that just came out.

The Doflamingo said again:

- Cora! Go see if there are any mice left!

The man nodded and headed straight for the secret room.

I thought my second life would end here, but no.

He just looked in and did something that made the sounds around me disappear. Finished, he turned to Doflamingo and shook his head.

Fortunately, the person who checked was Corazon, a marine, who was a kind person. If not, I might have...

When they finished, they looted the property in the mansion, and then left without a trace.

-To be continued-

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