"Because I'm Human" (2)

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- What did you say? Disgusting how?

He clenched his fist, his brow furrowed and he looked up at me with angry eyes.

- This country is already rotten. The stench it gave off had permeated this country. The beautiful prosperity that people see is only a lie created by the mandarins and the royal family. Those guys trampled on the people. They sell children and women cheaply to the rich. When they realized there could be other benefits greater than money in this, they shook hands with a guy named Joker.


- They have kidnapped other country's royal members to sell at high prices. Even children with strange features.

He paused for a moment, drop by drop falling to the floor.

- She was also kidnapped. When I found out, she was beaten by a noble for trying to escape. If I should have realized it sooner, she wouldn't have been so badly injured. Despite bringing her home. But I..

I suddenly raised my voice to interrupt his train of thought

- Don't say more, she's fine!

His eyes lit up as he looked at me

- Really?

'Of course I don't know'

- Right! You will meet her soon.

'Right. They'll see each other soon, because he's dying too!'

"Joker" I know who he is. He's always been evil.

I took out my beloved gun from my luggage, loaded it carefully.

I slowly walked to the party room. Where hideous bugs are playing on other people's lives. It's a place where non-recyclables need to be cleared up quickly. Because if left for a long time, it will smell.

Perhaps this country must surely perish.

Judge, you did a good job this time. I will help you complete the mission soon.

That night, the kingdom of Soki lit up a bright red, the invaders poured in like a storm.

But there was not a single complaint of the people. Only the screams and curses of the animals named royalty and nobility.

The prince of this country laughed, he laughed happily.

He laughed for him, for his people, for the poor slaves that had been sold.

I stood behind him and looked at him. I ask:

- What are you going to do next?

- I don't know! But I feel free. Maybe I'll just go. Go to the land of "her".

He was laughing, crying, indignant. It's unsightly!

- She's fine! (I say)

He turned his head to look at me

- I know. She is already dead. She was free to fly and do whatever she liked. And she is waiting for me. Thank you, lady!

As soon as he said that, he fell. Fall from upstairs. A place where you can see the whole kingdom. The people here are laughing, everyone is smiling, they are celebrating because the demons in this kingdom are dead.

He died with a happy smile.

I took off my veil, tied it to the wedding bouquet, and threw it out the window, where he committed suicide to be with the girl he loved.

"Wish you happy"

I walked out of the castle, I met the Judge.

What the hell is he doing?


I shouted:

- Stop Judge! The mission is just to kill the royal family, the mission is done, why did you bring Vinsmoke soldiers here?

He turned his head to look at me, smiling proudly.

- Ah! I forgot to say. I will choose this place as a testing ground for my new soldiers. Either way, the king of this country is dead. This place is now a derelict place! HAHAHAHA

I'm stiff. I'm so stupid.

Judge is evil and cunning. He will never do anything without benefit. He is the real devil.

Just now the people here were celebrating for their new freedom. But in a few minutes they would have to die for that freedom.

Can not. Too many people have died already. Those who deserve to die are dead, those who want to die are also dead. Everything should end here.

-Stop it!

- What do you say?

- I said stop. Please sir!

I lowered my face to the ground, not daring to look up at him.

Seeing me humbly like that, the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile and said:

Are you begging me for these commoners? If so, you should be more sincere.

Does he want me to humble myself?


I am willing to humble myself if I can save their lives.

I slowly knelt down on the cold ground. Saying it one by one, every word seems to hurt my self-esteem.

- I beg you.... Please spare this kingdom!

He felt he had won a big battle, and was extremely excited. Being asked by the elephant, he set one more condition.

- Our agreement, let's change it a bit. From now on, you must obediently listen to me. Do you accept?

- What did you say? Why should I obey you?

- If you add that condition, I will accept your request, Bloo D Tan!

"Damn it"

I clutched my hand to the cold stone, the blood from the tips of my fingers spurting out, staining the palm of my hand red. I answer:

- OK! I accept the deal!

Having achieved his will, he gloated with laughter, then withdrew his troops to the boat.

My days after that went on as normal.

At first he just gave me more tasks than before, but most of them were transporting goods. Later he gave me assassination missions.

The blood of the killer seemed to seep into my bones. It's like a talent. The more I do it, the better it gets. From the weak to the high-ranking ones. Every time I managed to escape without leaving even a speck of dust.

Circumstances change, so do I.

But what I enjoy the most is still teasing the members of the Vinsmoke family. Especially the Judger.

He made me follow orders, but he couldn't make me stop talking. The more cruel he is to me, the more I enjoy playing with him.

Judge! You accidentally drove me crazy!

I will be looking forward to that!

Let's play together!


- To be continued-

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