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"So warm"

"It's so comfortable"

Tan Tan slowly opened his eyes. The warm rays of the sun shone softly through her eyelids.

The rays of the sun are warm. Tan Tan didn't want to sit up anymore, she wanted to be lazy and enjoy this feeling.

Tan Tan thinks she's dead, because this is the place she's always wanted to return to.

Flower hill behind Bloo's mansion

This flower hill is her family's favorite place.

In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom in the sky.

In the summer, wild chrysanthemums race to bloom into a soft golden cushion.

In autumn, the green grass is where the whole family camp.

Winter is a white snow field.

"So missed! I want to be here! In my home! My family!"

In the distance, she saw the figure of a person.

A child.

A child with a white dress and a straw hat.

She is knitting flowers.

A beautiful wreath.

"Who are you?"

The girl got up and ran towards Tan Tan.

A girl with jet-black hair.

Your smile is so beautiful.

"But who am I?"

- Let's play with me!- Saying this, the girl took Tan Tan's hand and ran away.

Tan Tan felt that her body was so light, she unconsciously followed the child.

She is no longer sad or excited when she achieves her wish.

Simply comfort and relief.

"Is death so gentle?"

She played with that child.

It was fun. It had been a long time since she had had such a good time.

She no longer felt tired, hungry, or guilty.

She let out an exclamation:

- So happy!

The girl turned her head to look at Tan Tan and then giggled:

- Then you stay here with me!

Tan Tan thought for a while and then smiled at the little girl:

- Are you lonely?

The girl suddenly burst into tears, sad tears.

Tan Tan continued

- I can't be here with you yet, there's still so much I want to know. Please show me how to get home!

- But you are not happy there! You are very happy with me! Why do you have to go!

- But you're not alone. Me too!

After saying that, Tan Tan pointed at the cherry tree on the hill.

There was a child waiting.

- That person is waiting for me! You're not alone!

The little girl puffed her cheeks and replied

- He is not waiting for me, he has a new sister!

Tan Tan hugged that little girl in his arms, patted her and said:

- So sorry. But he is waiting for you. Scat! One day I will find you two!

Saying Tan Tan while cheering for the girl

After walking a few steps, the girl turned her head to look at Tan Tan with shy and afraid eyes. The little girl asked:

- Is he really waiting for me?

- It's real! He's been standing there for a long time, hasn't he! He's just standing there waiting for you!

After walking a few steps, the girl turned her head and asked

- So will you find us?

- I will find you, one day I will find you!

- Then I'll go!

- Goodbye, 'Tan Tan'!

The little girl smiled, a happy smile. She ran as fast as she could to the cherry tree.

The two children held hands and walked away.

Their silhouettes gradually disappeared in the wind, taking with them the white cherry petals with a few more pale pink spots.

Tan Tan laid his back on the deep green grass and looked up at the sky.

Snowflakes gently fell, touching Tan Tan's light pink skin.

"It's cold"

Open your eyes again.

Tan Tan found himself slowly drowning in the water. She is being swept away by a sea flower. A wish flower of the sea.

It is a flower that helps people to die happy, with no attachment to the mundane world, no remembrance of those who are still alive.

"I can't die yet. I can't forever fall into a beautiful dream. It's not yet time to give up everything. I have to live" - ​​Tan Tan gradually regained consciousness.

The weakness of the sea flower is that the victim regains consciousness and can easily escape, because it has no eyes, so it cannot see where the prey is and catch it again.

Tan Tan swam out of sight of the sea flowers, but she couldn't breathe, lost strength, and Tan Tan's eyelids became heavy.

Before he closed his eyes, Tan Tan saw it.

A strange creature.

Being a fishman.

"Hope it helps me. Not because of the concept of race saved my life." - In a coma, Tan Tan helplessly prayed for kindness from a strange fishman.

But the world is very cruel, the fishman she saw belongs to the fishman district.

The darkest part of Fish-Man Island and the birthplace of children who are educated to hate humans.

That fishman raised his trident, preparing to take a stance to skewer her like a slice of cake.

A stream of red blood gushed out, staining a patch of water red, the smell of fresh blood streaking into her mouth.

The smell of blood makes the tip of the tongue bitter. Tan Tan closed his eyes, sinking into the arms of the mother of the sea.

-To be continued-

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