An enemy's enemy is an ally

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While I was still muttering curses at him, he suddenly sat up and looked at me seriously.

- I'm like you. I also have the letter "D".

I was silent. I just noticed now.

Before my eyes was none other than Trafalgar D Water Law.

The person who will later kick the person I hate the most to a stone prison.

We are very similar.

A person who has just found the light and hope again is cruelly 'He' buried that light.

A person who is living in a happy and respectful family is accidentally broken by 'He'.

We both hate the same person.

We all wanted to tear him to pieces.

I want him to pay for his crimes.

But now is not the time.

Because we all know he is very strong, and we are not strong enough to confront him.

But soon. Just wait a little longer.

The time will ripen. And then he will surely be overthrown.

I smiled, a genuine smile.

- I got it! Nice to meet you and thank you to everyone who saved me.

I thank him for helping me in my time of need and also thank him in the future to take revenge on my behalf. Because I'm too weak, I can't play the hero.

I was with Law's group until the blizzard cleared. It took more than 2 days for the blizzard to really dissipate.

During these 2 days I stayed at Law's group, to repay him, I gave them a bag of rubies. That's all I have in my pocket right now, and I hope those gems will help them financially.

Because what they need most right now is knowledge and strength.

Law's pirate ship also cost a lot of money. At least that amount is enough for them to live.

When I held out the bag of rubies, the three members of Law's team refused, but seeing that their captain did not refuse and my enthusiasm, they finally accepted the bag.

I happily returned to my boat.

I have checked the engine and there are absolutely no problems. Luckily, if it goes wrong, it's hard to find someone who's tech-savvy to fix the boat for me. It's true that if you use Vinsmoke's clothes, you have to be careful not to lose your life.

When I checked the food on the ship, I was very surprised.

There is a lot of food has been added to my boat, Clean water is also full. Maybe the Law group helped me. Yet they are still afraid to accept money.

After I bid farewell to Law's group and continued my journey. My next destination is the naval headquarters.

The purpose is already there. But because of my lack of experience, it took me almost a year to reach the naval headquarters.

Just like what I said when I said goodbye to old Garp. I was standing outside the headquarters shouting his name but I couldn't see him. The soldiers saw that and said that he had gone out a few months ago, not knowing when he would return. And so I camped at the gate of the naval headquarters.

About a week later, Old Garp returned.

The first thing I did was shout out what I did a week ago. And then I got punched.

I came to Headquarters for the purpose of visiting this old man and fulfilling my promise that year. And the second purpose is to ask about 'Conqueror Haki'.

I need strength training. I have to be stronger.

Because the future will be very difficult. So if I'm weak, it means I'll die at any moment.

And so I became an apprentice marine under Garp's recommendation.

Although I have a strong support, I still have to do the same daily tasks as other trainees.

Plus Garp's after-afternoon training sessions and the harsh navy hours, everything made me rethink my career in the Marines.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have joined the navy in the first place," said Tan Tan


Old Garp.

He's the kind of guy who just does what he likes, if he doesn't like it, even if he gets beaten to death, he won't do it.

I worked as an apprentice marine for him for a whole year and got nothing.

The only thing I have is pressure and nightmares.

Occasionally he would throw me off some island so I could find a way to survive on my own.

He never taught me anything.

When he was happy, he would bring me out to practice with him.

When sad, he pulls me out to confide.

When I was falling asleep, he gave me a bucket of cold water with the pretext of training my reflexes.

So the days of torture continued.

I began to adapt to nature, the ground is the bed, the leaves are the blanket, the animals are the food.

I have to find a way to survive.

Hunting, defending against wild animals, listening, observing. I always have to use all my senses to stay alive, so I accidentally trained all 3 types of Haki.

But it is nothing. To Garp, it was like an eggshell, smashed and broken.

Then one day he got excited. Bring me back to visit his grandson, then forget me at the windmill village. Damn old man!

I hate him. I want to chop him up into a hundred pieces to feed the fish. It was only because of him that I had to live in a very strange and dangerous place.

I say I live here, but actually I just stay at the bar owner's house, sometimes go to the mountains to play with the bandits. If you meet the Ace kids, run away.

Wandering until he was 15 years old, Garp finally returned. When I saw him, I quickly jumped on the navy ship, without saying goodbye, but went straight to headquarters.

When I returned to headquarters, I was even more shocked.

I was expelled.

This is out of my plan. According to the plan, I will join the navy, when I get bored of the game, I will look for opportunities to desert, tease the admirals for fun.

But it's all broken

Trained for more than 1 year without leveling up, because I was often thrown on a deserted island by old Garp.

During training, but disappeared without a permit. Because that old man never mentioned me to his superiors.

As a result, I was expelled and could not enter the headquarters.

Now I am a homeless person. I once again said goodbye to Garp and of course went quietly into the night, while he was sleeping soundly.

I stole a small navy ship and started the journey back home.

Because I have the Judge's life card and learned the navy's seafaring experience, within 3 months I was able to find the North Sea. It took me another 2 weeks to find out where Judge's castle was anchored.

The journey is long and arduous, but makes people nostalgic. That's how I felt when I stood at the door of Vinsmoke's house and saw the first person I didn't want to see when I returned home. It's Ichiji.

-To be continued-

[One Piece] Me and the Vinsmoke FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now