34. "since he saved me"

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Lucy Heartfilia

After a few days of crying, James finally made it back to the estate. With no knowledge of what happened during his absence. I also calmed myself down, wiping away all my tears, just so he would never find out.

A wave of relief hit me when he finally returned; he was back and i had nothing to worry about. But also, I couldn't help but feel guilty. 'I almost threw away the sweetest man the world had to offer...'

When he walked through the doors, he brought his arms wide open, a gesture as if to say, "Honey, I'm home!" And I, of course, ran towards him, holding in a small cry as he held me

'This... this is exactly what I deserve..'

I buried my head towards his chest, tightening the grip I had around him.

"Jeez, it was only for a couple days." He chuckled, placing his chin on top of my head gently and carefully. "I missed you, my love."


It was like a gun shot to my heart as I felt even more guilty. James loved my whole being entirely, while I was here having horrible thoughts of being with someone else.

"I missed you.." my voice cracked. "So.. so much."

'I am a terrible human being.'

While we shared an embrace, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes burning holes behind my back...

Our wedding date was soon coming close, in a few days in fact. We had all our preparations complete, so right now, the whole gang was in the living room resting, and of course, fighting as usual.

But a certain couple was missing.

'Good for them..' I smiled bitterly to myself.

"So Lucy, when's the bachelorette party?" A small voice peeped, dragging me outta my pitiful thoughts.

I flinched at the question and stared at the blue haired bookworm. "H-huh? What do you mean bachelorette p-party?"

"Oh crap, Honey, I forgot we had to plan one of those." James looked up from the newspaper and face palmed in frustration.

"Well it'd be hard to plan one..." I muttered. "We don't exactly have any friends.."

It was true, in the span of a year together, James and I had business colleagues. We didn't have enough time to socialize. 

"We could invite the guild and just throw a regular party?" Erza suggested.

Before I could even agree, a half naked ice mage shook his head furiously. "Hell no!"

"I agree!" Gajeel chimed in. "It's tradition for us men to have our own night out!" He smirked, biting into a piece of iron created from his wife's magic.

Levy rolled her eyes, "since when have you "followed tradition,"? She asked sarcastically, throwing quotation bunnies. 

"Oh please, you just wanna drink and party without adult supervision." I scoffed, "on James tab, I assume."

"Lucy, you're rich. Get used to being used." Gray laughed.

James smiled, "I don't mind." As he said that, the men behind him cheered, with lustful thoughts of the amount of free beer they'll be getting. "It'll be fun."

"Sweetie..." I turned to James. "They'll run you dry."

Before I could change his mind, Gray rushed over to James and swung an arm around his shoulder, "You have three more nights of freedom until you're legally bonded to blondie here, it's too early for you to be listening to her."

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