35. "say you love me"

925 19 7

Lucy Heartfilia

Lisanna had explained everything. That Natsu has probably been in love with me since I had left the guild, maybe even before that, but was too dense to even notice it.

She had even apologized because she knew about Natsu and I secret rendezvous meeting and had the intention to try and stop it.

It was understandable and I couldn't blame her.. since even I tried doing just that, the day I had ran away.

After that, everyone had left, leaving me alone with my thoughts, and also to drop off Cana, who had passed out, to one of the open rooms available.

Once my room was empty, I tried contacting Happy, who obviously went to the bachelors party with the guys, and asked what time they'd be coming home.

The blue answered saying they were planning on staying in an Inn, since all the trains to the Heartfilia estate, were not running in the middle of the night.

They'd be home tomorrow night.

'Another night alone.' Except the only difference was; instead of crying myself to sleep, I was now overthinking.

Am I supposed to believe everything Lisanna said?

About Natsu loving me?

There was always the possibility that Natsu was confused and mixed up his feelings of loving me rather than missing me.

And even if Natsu actually loved me, is it worth the heartbreak? Is it worth throwing away my future with James.

A couple days ago I seemed fine with the idea. But I'm only now realizing how much he cares for me.

Is it worth it?


Probably not.

I could feel my eyes growing heavy as I was battling the sleep that was slowly taking over me.

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes for a long ten minutes.

I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol in my system or my thoughts keeping me awake, but my body was asleep but my mind was not.

It was like I was still aware of what was going on.

And there it was again.. the feeling of someone watching me. Someone burning holes behind my back. Do I have a stalker?

My body didn't have enough energy to get up and confirm my suspicions, but I could feel my senses kicking in even though my eyes were closed. I heard my window sliding open as a pair of feet tiptoeing closer.

I felt a huge dip from the side of my bed, meaning this person was sitting besides me. I could smell a faint scent of beer and sweet masculinity surround this person.

Two things were clear: one, this was a man. Two, he's been drinking.

I felt my comforter lift from his side as he climbed into bed with me, placing the blanket over his seemingly large frame.

I was laying on my back, but as he laid next to me, he grabbed my hand and turned my body to face his chest, pillowing one of his arms under my head, and the other snaking my waist, bringing me closer to him as much as possible.

He placed my hands around his neck and tangled our feet together.

It was winter time, yet this man brought me... warmth?

I felt a pair of lips gently placed on my forehead, giving me a long and loving kiss. He laid his lips there for a minute, and I could feel a small tear fall on my cheek.

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