36. "break up with that bastard"

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Natsu Dragneel

I woke up to a room full of sweat and lust. My eyes fluttered open to a view of smooth skinned cleavage in front of my face.

I stared in disbelief as i took a look around my surroundings, mostly in awe at the sight of blonde hair tangled in my arms, and the LACK of— or should I say nonexistent— clothes on both of our bodies.

Not to mention, I WAS STILL INSIDE HER?!

Last night I remember Happy talking to me about James bachelor party, but i angrily refused to go.

Because why the hell would I go to a celebration for my love rival?

Shit, i sound like Juvia.

And instead of going to his bachelor party, I stayed in my room, sneaking a beer or 5 with me.

As I was downing it, my dragon senses could hear the loud partying of Lucy's bachelorette party. I gritted my teeth in anger as I could feel her joy resonate all the way to my side.

"Why the fuck is she so happy to get married to a guy she doesn't even love?!" I threw a beer bottle across the room, completely shattering it into pieces.

"She supposed to be with me, dammit!" I punched the wall, creating a large dent into it.

"Fuck." I cursed, "Luce will kill me if I keep wrecking her house." I stared at the damages I've done and sighed.

If you couldn't tell already.

I was drunk. And I was angry.

I downed another beer into my system, drinking quietly so I could hear the room where all the girls were gathered.

But then it began to go quiet.

I furrowed my brows. Is the party over?

I know everyone was still inside because i could hear their quiet mumbling, but it wasn't enough to understand their entire conversation.

That was until I heard a certain she-devil yell, "Dammit Lucy, admit it!"

This perked my ears.

I rushed through the window and crawled my way over to Lucy's room hiding behind the wall listening in, peeking through the glass.

"Of course I do!" Lucy screamed out. "I've been in love with him ever since he saved me from falling down that tower!"

My eyes widened. Is she.. talking about me?

I stared at the window, earning a few glances from all the girls in confusion, yet understanding the assignment.

"So why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you marrying James?" Mira asked.

Lucy paused,  "I.. I want what all of you have!"

"I want to be married, I want a kid! I want to feel loved!" She explained, crying out in frustration.

I furrowed my brows. The hell? If that's what she wants, I can totally do that!

"I'll learn to love James truly, one day."

'No no no, you can't!'

Lucy sighed defeatedly. "But i cant do that if Natsu's still in the picture..."

As she said this, everyone in the room stared at me.

My eyes widened. I knew it, I grinned happily. She loves me and not James!

The ladies in the room were all silent, but the deadly glared the three at me was saying 'do something about this!'

"And i most definitely.." her voice cracked. "can't handle seeing him and Lisanna together."

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