22. "big bad boyfriend"

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Lucy Heartfilia

After the whole incident with the Bolt, I had sent Virgo to let everyone at the Heatfilia Estate know what we had done and told them to be cautious for the time being. Just in case they tried to do anything suspicious.

To help my mind calm down, Natsu suggested that we visited the guild. I had told him that I was a very busy woman and that I should really be going back home now. But he had assured me that Fairy Tails strongest wizards were there guarding them at all cost.

Natsu encouraged me to at least stop by and explain my absents, I figured that was reasonable. Especially if its only for a couple minutes.

So that's where we were. Actually, what I had hoped would take ten minute conversation had continued two hours long, and it seems it still ongoing. Once they laid their eyes on me, someone had yelled a welcome back party and everyone was now gathered around me asking about where I had been and what I was doing so far.

"So Lucy, did you finally cop a man? Or do I have to do more card magic for you to finally find a date?" Cana giggled, while massaging my boobies. Gosh, she never changed huh.

I found my eyes trailing to a certain pink haired mage, just as I glanced at him, I noticed he was already staring at me. Probably listening in a our conversation with his enhanced dragon slayer hearing. It seems Cana noticed our awkward stares at each other and smirked. "Oh!!!! So your man is our beloved Natsu??" Cana yelled out, grabbing the attention of literally everyone in the guild.

I blushed as all eyes were now on us, I peeked at Natsu once again and he was also red in embarrassment. "N-NO!" I stuttered.

"She has a fiancé." Natsu rolled his eyes. The guild went quiet. "Its James, ya'll remember him right?"


"He's handsome! Lucy is soo lucky!!"

"You mean that rich dude from last week?"

"Can't believe our little old Lucy is growing up so fast!" Chatters and gossip started to go around the guild, as if I wasn't here. "So Lucy? Those wedding invitations he handed out, those were invitations to your wedding?" I nodded. "Yikes, you think I can have another one? I threw mines away."

"She - Lucy hasn't even set a date!" Natsu huffed in annoyance. There he goes getting mad about wedding talk. Do all boys hate talking about these corny things, or is it just James and Natsu?

"Ohhh." Cana giggled haughtily. "I see what this is." she turned to Natsu and walked closer to him. She leaned closer, almost as if her aura was hovering over Natsu's. She pointed her finger onto his chest and smirked. "You're jealous, aren't ya."

"Jealous? Of what exactly?"

"Big bad boyfriend can't stand another man taking his true love away!" I watched as this scene played out. What Cana said interested me. It would explain a lot about the talk last night.

Jeez, what am I saying? That would mean Natsu would be interested in me romantically. And there's no way that could be true, he has Lisanna.

Natsu hadn't replied to Canas' little comment, so I took this chance to grab her arm and lead her to the bar. Wasn't sure if she was drunk that she started talking down to one our famous dragon slayers, or sober and she was playing with BOTH our feelings.

"Hey how about we get a drink?" I laughed nervously. "Haven't had a drink yet - and I seriously need one right about now." I said, whispering the last part to myself.

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