26. "i love you, Lucy"

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Natsu Dragneel

Bright lights flashed over my face and underneath me I heard a small groan, a woman's voice.My eyes were heavy, I could barely open them. But I heard three more clicks and a small laugh. "Happy?" my flying cat screamed a small yelp and tried flying away, until I grabbed his tail a dragged him back to me.

"What the hell Happy? It's too early to be taking pics of me." I groaned, grabbing the lacrima from his small paws and trying to focus my vision to see the pictures he had taken. "Where'd you even get this?"

Another mischievous chuckle from the blue cat, "Cana gave it to me. In case you and Lucy were doing something." His eyes drifted down to my arms, or more like what was in my arms. "Guess she was right."

My eyes trailed downwards, revealing a sleeping blonde laying on half of my body, her neck close to my face and a little drool on my chest. "What the-? LUCY?"

"Don't wake her up Natsu," Happy shushed me, snatching the lacrima from my hands and positioned it to take more pictures of us. "Cana promised me fish if I got her the goods!" I rolled my eyes and slowly and carefully slid out of her arms. There was no way I was gonna chance the risk of getting Lucy Kicked.

I stared out the window, it wasn't dark but the sun wasn't up. it had to be at least 6 AM. "You just got here Happy?" Quickly changing the subject so he'd stop taking pics of us. He nodded his head and flew to the kitchen fridge. "Wanna grab breakfast at 8-Island?" He agreed, grabbing me by the wrist and flying us out the window and towards our favorite restaurant.

As we were waiting for our food, Happy was swiping through all the pictures he had taken of me and Lucy while we were asleep. As much as I tried ignoring him, I really wanted to look at them. Wanted to see how beautiful Lucy looked while sleeping in my arms, the expression on her face, how close our bodies were to each other. I wanted to see them all.

I heard Happy snicker, turning the lacrima my way, showing a certain picture. It was when I woke up finding Lucy cuddling in my arms. Her body close to mines and the robe revealing her flawless skin. Her arms laid on my chest and her lips dangerously close to my neck. And my face... flushed red but close to her face.

I could feel my ears start to heat up more than usual. I turned away from Happy, I didn't wanna give him the reaction he wanted to see, although my burning hot red cheeks gave it away, I didn't want him knowing I was affected by his teasing.

Happy sighed, "oh come on Natsu, we all know you like Lushee." he rolled his eyes, speaking without any hesitation. I flinched choking on the water I had just sipped. "Once you left last night, you and Lucy was all they could talk about. Especially Cana."

I scoffed, "what did that little drunk bastard say?"

Happy shrugged, "Something 'bout card magic on Lucy and James." Just as he said this loads of food that we had ordered finally came and Happy went straight to munching on his fish.

"Card magic? Tarot card reading you mean?" Happy nodded happily chewing on the bones of fish number one. "Well what did it say?"

"Not sure," he replied, "Cana was still drunk when she had told the guild, I couldn't really understand her. But I do remember your name popping up." My name? Why would my name pop up in a tarot card reading of Lucy and James? I'll ask her when she wakes up.

"I think the real question is Natsu, is what are you gonna do?" I furrowed my brows, confused as to what Happy meant. "Natsu deny it all you want but everyone knows you love Lucy. At this point, I think the only person who doesn't are you, Lucy... and Lisanna."

Oh crap. I scratched the back of my head and sighed in frustration. "I love Lisanna." Happy rose a brow and stared at me with a 'Don't lie to me' face. "I loveD Lisanna.. and now I love-"

"Lucy." happy answered for me.

I smiled to myself, images of the blonde popping in my head again, "yea, Lucy." I took a second to let all my feelings process in my head. "I love Lucy."

"I love Lucy!" I said a little bit louder. "I really really love Lucy!" I slammed my fists down on the table startling all the guests in the restaurant, creating a loud silence. "I gotta tell her now!"

Happy furrowed his brows and looked at me hesitantly. "I don't think that's a good idea Natsu." I tilted my head in confusion. "What about Lisanna?"

Lisanna is my girlfriend, but every time her name popped up, the unsettling feeling in my stomach came back. This feeling... it was suffocating. As if I was trapped in a cage and couldn't escape, I couldn't breathe. "Theres only one thing to do, Happy."

Happy paused. I raised Happy before and after with Lisanna by my side. Other would say Lisanna was Happy mother figure. However, he grew up to love Lucy as his mother. He was in a predicament just like I was, but he understood.

"Aye sir."

"Jeez, what happened last night?" Lucy groaned out of bed. "And what the hell happened to my clothes?!"

Happy's eyes trailed to me, snickering as I was the one to blame. "I have no idea." I replied nervously, avoiding eye contact with the clueless blonde. "you don't remember anything from last night?"

More importantly, did she remember my confession, and her own confession as well.

She took a moment to try and gather her thoughts, the focused look on her face seemed that she was trying her best to recall her lost memories, but nonetheless shrugged her shoulders, replying with a no.

I wasn't sure whether to be relieved that she hadn't remembered anything regarding last night, or worried that I had finally torn down the walls between Lucy only to be forgotten and the barrier between us had been brought back up again.

"Anyways, we better hurry and pack up." Lucy said, while running to the bathroom to change out of her robe. "The train to the Heartfilia Estate leaves in about 2 hours and I'd like to go back home as soon as possible, thank you very much."

I rolled my eyes as I watched her go back and forth in and out of the bathroom. I was in no rush to go back; seeing Gray's ugly face, Gajeel's stupid piercings, Erza's fat ass, and deal with Mirajane's mood swings. I was definitely not looking foreword to going back at all.

Not to mention Lisanna. Jeez, why can't we just stay here Luce.

Moments later, Lucy finally exited the bathroom. Her hair neatly comes and up in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon, a blue sleeveless button up hugging the right places, a white skirt way to short for a girl in her mid 20's, and brown boots up to her knees.

I smiled to myself, staring at the beautiful mage. This entire trip-. No, ever since we reunited with Lucy, I have only seen her in business attire and dresses. This outfit looked the best on her.

I love you, Lucy.

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