10. "no longer my master"

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Natsu Dragneel

"How's the missus, James." A shady looking old man laughed out loud, his deep voice shaking the entire room literally.

The old man was surrounded with built and rugged boys, tense and trying to be intimidating. But we were magic wizards, they were no threat to us.

I stared at James as he held a serious gaze, as him he was playing a staring contest and was determined to win. He laughed lightly, "We're not married yet, Mr. Bolt."

"Ah yes, I'm invited to the wedding right?"

James chuckled, "depending on the business done here, you're most welcome to come."

"Is this why you brought your little... bodyguards?" He shout a laugh. "Two little girls and two scrawny boys? They're no match for my men, you know that right."

I growled, gritting my teeth as I stood up. I took a step forward just as all of his boys took a step too, guarding the old fart. "What did you say, bastard?"

"He said you're weak, pinky." One of them spoke, smirking.

I stared at the baldy that spoke, he took one step at a time until he was right in front of me, his tall built staring down at me. I understand where this confidence came from, he was the biggest one there and had the most muscles.

I could feel my fists heat up, my blood boiling as my adrenaline started to pump. It's been long since I started a brawl. I was barely in the guild so I wasn't involved in any of the rumbles this past year. I was yearning for a fight.

"While we're here, please refrain from using magic. Arcola is full with thugs but they don't carry the magic capacity as much as you folks do. So please, don't scare them off." I remembered James saying before we walked in.

But with or without magic, I could take him. I turned to Gray and his face mirrored mines, I'm guessing he's also pissed.

"Wanna test that baldy?" Gray sneered, his hands came together almost like he was about to cast another 'ice-make' spell, the air inside turning both cold and hot on our side of the room.

"Both of you, enough!" A deep voice woman yelled, a thick sword swinging close to both our necks. My head snapped at the redhead holding the katana, her outfit completely changed and so did her facial expression.


Ezra's swords slowly retreated, disappearing and another one appearing even larger and thicker. She slammed her sword down, creating a giant hole in the brick floor where she stabbed.

"Mr. Bolt?" Erza's eyes darkened as she spoke his name. The old man flinched as she called him. "I hope you know my group is very capable and short tempered. So please refrain from anymore insults and continue carrying out your business with our client."

After the business meeting was over, it was getting dark and we were heading over to one of the estates James owned closest to Arcola. Not as big as his regular household, but big enough for each of us to have our own room and bathroom. Right now the team and James were sitting in the living room talking about our guild adventurers.

It wasn't normal for our client to want to talk about these kinds of things but James insisted. He was interested in our battles, eagerly listening to every last one of it.

"James do you have any magic capabilities?"

He nodded, he lifted a finger pointing at the cup of water. He snapped his fingers and it disappeared, then appearing in his hands a second later.

"Power of teleportation, you can say. But I can only teleport one object at a time."

"Whoa that's so cool!" Wendy's eyes shined.

Suddenly a familiar flash of gold appeared in the middle of the group, as a woman with pink hair and cuffs stood on the coffee table, staring down at James.

"V-Virgo?!" We all yelled confused.

She turned to face us, a look of surprise shown on her monotone face. She waved at us then turned to James. "I've been sent to give you these," She dropped a box on James arms, "wedding invitations."

Before she could flash away, I grabbed onto Virgo's hands, stopping her before she left.

"Virgo do you remember me?" Her brows furrowed but she nodded.

"How could I forget you, Natsu Dragneel."

"You're Lucy's spirit right? Where the hell is she?!" My grip on her tightened without me knowing, and she just stared at it without looking at my eyes.

She turned to James, he shrugged and Virgo sighed. "I'm sorry Natsu, but Lucy gave her keys away the day she left the guild. She is no longer my Master."

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped, along with the rest of the team. "That's a lie, L-Luce would never!"

"She also said she would never leave the guild," Erza cut me off. My head snapped at the redhead, her eyes saddened as she stared at the ground. "Natsu, accept the fact that she's never coming back."

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