8. "time for you to give up."

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Natsu Dragneel

It's been a whole year since Lucy left the guild. Even though I promised to look for her, I'm starting to lose hope. There's absolutely no trace of Lucy's scent or name floating by.

The only time locals mention the name Lucy, they're always talking about the future Lucy Lobster, and that's definitely not my Luce.

I groggily walked towards the guild with Happy flying lazily beside me, sighing at another failed attempt to find Lucy.

Pushing the doors open, I was greeted by my friends and girlfriend Lisanna. I joined my usual table with Team Natsu who stared at me with pity as I collapsed onto the chair.

"Natsu, you're still going at it?" Gray scoffed. "Obviously, Lucy doesn't wanna be found!" I rolled my ignoring the ice cube completely.

"I agree Natsu, I barely see you in the guild but when I do, you're exhausted and passed out. It's amazing how you go on missions every single day, with no break." Erza added with the eyes of worry and concern.

"Listen to Erza, flame brain." Gray stood from his chair and started to pull me up and out of the comfortable seat. "And if not, listen to your girlfriend. You never spend any time with her and it's a real mystery how you two lasted that long!"

I snarled, shoving the ice freak away from me, glaring at him. "Shut it Gray! Lis ain't complaining, right?!" I snapped my head at my white haired girlfriend who was playing with my hair biting her lips nervously. "Right Lisanna?"

"Natsu, we never actually had any 'us' time. It's always missions and finding Lucy. It's been two years and..."

"What are you trying to say?"

She sighed deeply, "I think you should give up on finding Lucy."

I stared at my girlfriend with eyes of betrayal. I clenched my teeth and scoffed, heading to the mission board. "Natsu, wait im sorry!" I heard Lisanna call from behind me but I ignored it.

"Lisanna, you were the one who told me to find Lucy!" I yelled, without even looking at her. "And now you're telling me to stop?"

"That was two years ago Natsu! You've been so occupied with this nonsense you totally forgot that I'm your girlfriend!"

"Nonsense?! You know what, I've had enough of this? We're d-"

"Natsu," a name called out to me suddenly. "you have a mission requesting you!" It was Mira calling us from behind the bar waving a piece of paper.

I turned back to Lisanna and shook my head in disappointment before walking away to Mirajane with the rest of my team following behind.

She handed Erza the paper for her to read out loud:

Dear Fairy Tail mages,

I am requesting Team Natsu for a mission to escort me Arcola because I have business there.

Meeting: Sawarr household.
REWARD: 750,000 gems

"Holy crap!" Gray exclaimed, snatching the mission paper, his eyes wide open and bulging. "750,000 divides equally between us five is..." He trailed down, looking down at his fingers in attempt to calculate.

"150,000." Erza exclaimed, slamming the paper down at the bar. "Mira we'll take it!"

"Great," she smiled. "You start tomorrow."

I laid down on top of my hammock, restless. Thinking about the only girl who had been in my for the entire year. And no, it's not Lisanna.

I heard a knock on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. I assumed it was Happy coming home since he hung out with Wendy and Charle after our mission today.

I lazily dragged myself out of my hammock to to the door, "Happy did you lose your keys aga-" This was not the scent of my feline best friend.

"Lisanna?" She smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I think we need to talk." I stared down at her confused, but nonetheless stepped aside inviting her in.

"Natsu," she started hesitating. "Are... are we okay?" I stared at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that fight earlier! We never argue, what's going on?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry Lis," I grabbed her hand, brought up to my mouth and kissed it gently. "I've been so stressed trying to find Lucy, I lost control of myself."

She averted her eyes away from me. "Natsu, i think it's time for you to give up Lucy." She whispered, so soft even I could barely hear it.

I dropped her hand and stared at her is disbelief. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Natsu, she left a year ago! She doesn't want to be found, what don't you get?" She raised her voice, gritting her teeth showing she was getting frustrated.

"Lucy was my best friend!"

"Well I'm your girlfriend!" She screamed, instantly shutting me up. "And it seems you care for Lucy more than me these days!"

I sighed shaking my head, "Lisanna, you're my girlfriend!" I grabbed her waist and brought her close to me for a hug. "I love you, not Lucy."

I felt my heart cringe as I said that. You're lying.

I felt Lisanna's body start to slowly shake, meaning she was holding back her tears that were inevitably coming. I stroke her silky white hair as I felt the waterworks drip down my shoulder.

"I am so sorry Natsu! I was being inconsiderate, I love you so much Natsu!"

"I love you too."


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