17. "he likesssss youuuu"

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Lucy Heartfilia

I'm so glad Happy's here.

The entire carriage ride to the train station was in complete silence, the only thing that was heard was the wooden wheels creaking as it ran and Happys continuous rambling about his favorite fish.

But other then that, not a single word from either me or Natsu. I could barely even look at him as he was just staring at me in silence. It was uncomfortable.

As soon as I bought my train ticket, Happy flew to my side, leaving Natsu to go ahead and buy his own ticket as well. "Lucy?" I hummed in response. "Is there something going on between you and Natsu?"

I flinched, giggled nervously as my cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "You, uh, noticed that huh." He nodded. "Guess it's just awkward since I left."

"Why did you leave Lushee?" He stared at me unknowingly.

"Uh.." I glanced at Natsu, who was slightly peeking at the two of us at the corner of his eyes. "Personal reasons Happy."

It seems like Natsu didn't tell Happy about my confession. Which was odd since they were best friends. He probably didn't tell anyone since he didn't want to expose himself that he was the reason I left.

Or maybe he doesn't know that he's the reason why I left.

Or maybe Happy does know, but is playing dumb.

Or maybe- "ready to go?" I flinched as a source of heat appeared from behind me, startling me. I slowly tiptoed away from those two to sit at the benches.

No wonder why Happy can feel the awkwardness between us.

I watched as the two boys walked towards me, Natsu nonchalantly taking the seat next to me. Nearly giving me a mini panic attack. Happy, of course, took a seat on my lap, curling up cozily. Just as his eyes were deadly close to shutting, I squeezed his tail as hard as I could, forcing this little demon to wake his ass up.

'You're not leaving me alone with Natsu, you stupid furball.'

"OW! Why'd you do that for Lushee." He squealed, a result of his precious tail being wrinkled by my hand.

I shrugged, leaning my full attention towards the blue weeping kitty. Well, not really. My head was literally spinning at the body contact between Natsu's leg and mine.

"So Luce, how's living that rich life." I choked.

"Excuse me?" Turning to Natsu who was grinning like an idiot, as usual.

Happy and Natsu started snickering, "yea Lushee, remember those days where you almost got evicted for not paying rent." Natsu smirked. "Must be nice to afford an entire estate, to yourself." Happy added.

"I share it with James actually." I rolled my eyes at their childishness.

The two quickly stopped laughing and turned to each other. Natsu cleared his throat, grabbing my attention and his fake and dramatic cough.

"So is your marriage," he paused. "Like for real?"

"Excuse you, Natsu Dragneel, but my marriage with James is true and none of your business." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"Alright, no need for the tone Lushee. We're just teasin'."

I heard a small awkward laugh coming from Natsu, which ticked me off a little. "No but really, he's nice and all, but that doesn't seem like you type."

"My type? And what's my type exactly?"

"I dunno, I always thought you were into loud muscle heads." Natsu rambled off into deep thought. "Boys you can be comfortable around, that can make you ugly laugh. Someone that has the balls to pick a fight with you, especially with that kick of yours-"

"Sounds like you're describing yourself Natsu."

My eyes widened, snapping my head away from Happy's little comment. "I-I... i didn't mean it like that Happy." He stuttered. "I was just- Luce's type- I mean... look the train is coming."

Natsu hurriedly grabbed his bag and rushed towards the front, his ears red as Erzas hair.

Is Natsu Dragneel... blushing.?

"Mhmm, he likesssss youuuu."

"Shut it Happy," I rolled my eyes, grabbing my bag. I watched Happy fly to his partner, teasing him awfully loud. I bit my lip and felt that pain in my heart stab me again. "He can't like me... he has Lisanna."

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