11. "she was always abusive"

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Natsu Dragneel

The group finished the mission early, and back to the usual topic of discussion with James, we talked about our battles that seemed like an epic fight worthy of telling.

"James you know, the guild has much more exciting fight stories that would be willing to share with you." Erza suggested as she took a bite of cake she bought from the nearest cake store.

"That's right," Wendy cheered. "If anything, you could even see one in real life. That guild is restless." Erza agreed, chuckling.

"Especially with these two pests coming back to the guild, a war is bound to happen soon." Carla rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, i would feel a bit off with a large group like that." He hesitated, but we all seen the excitement in his eyes. He wanted to go.

I grabbed his shoulders and brought him up, pushing him to walk out the cafe doors. I grinned, "the guild will love ya, you gotta meet them!"

And that's where we were now, in the guild with everyone huddled up around James telling their own stories. Some stories even I hadn't heard yet.

"James, you're pretty handsome, you know." Cana slurred as she chugged another gallon of booze.

"Slow down drunk," Gray smirked, "he's married."

"Engaged," James smiled gently. "Actually my fiancé is a wizard too! She's the reason why I'm so interest about all things magic related."

"Really?" Erza asked amused. "That entire week we were on that mission you never really talked about her."

James laughed nervously, shaking his head. "My fiancé doesn't like to be known."

"Well she ain't here, so spill." Gajeel smirked, chewing a piece of iron with Levy slapping the back of his head.

"What's she like?"

"Well, beautiful to say the least. She's strong and brave and very independent." James smiled. "I remembered in the beginning of our relationship, I walked in on her changing, she kicked my face into another life."

My brows furrowed and my chest ached. A sudden memory of a certain blonde came through my mind, and the look on other people's faces, they were thinking the same.

"Sounds familiar," I sighed under my breathe. "She was always abusive."

"Right about that one," Gray shot out a laugh.

"Her kicks were deadly."

"Not to mention that demon spirit of hers, Aquarius!"

"But she was so loving and caring." Wendy chirped. "She really was like a big sister."

James coughed awkwardly, breaking the sad tension the guild was making. "Who are we talking about now?"

"She's an old friend. She left the guild about a year ago." Levy explained.

"Correction, she was me and Natsu's best friend!" Happy interrupted, getting a quick slap from Gajeel.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, the guild doors slammed open with a few men and a woman standing there.

Vanilla and Stawberries.

All the dragon slayers easily caught a whiff of this smell and snapped their heads at the door. "James your time is up, you have to head home now."

James smile dropped as he noticed it was his guards and Michelle standing by the door, here to pick him up.

"Thank you for telling me your stories, it was such a delight to meet you all." James politely bowed his head to us, and started to walk towards the group.

"James come visit us sometimes, and bring your wife once you two get married!" One of our guild mates called out as they waved goodbye to a new friend.

"Actually," James stopped. "Why don't you guys come!"

"The wedding is next week, and I have a box full of invitations, you're all free to come!" He suggested excitedly. He turned to Michelle who was carrying the box Virgo had given him a week ago and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly the box teleported in my hands, with a few invitations flying onto the ground.

"James i dont think that's a good idea-" Michelle stuttered, trying to stop him from continuing.

"Me and my fiancé don't have that much friends, only our business partners will be coming. If you're guild we're to come, you'd liven things up!"

A short time of silence came from our side of the guild. The nonexistent reply creates tension in the air and we all looked unsure. "It's fine if you don't want-"

"We'd be happy to come to your wedding." Erza smiled lightly.

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