18. "ready to move on a certain someone"

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Lucy Heartfilia

The trip to Arcola meant a layover at Hargeon. A dreadful stay at a dirty Inn. Of course I wouldn't have minded it a year ago since this was a usual thing for our gang on missions. But things are different.

Not to mention the whole awkwardness with Natsu, but the luxurious lifestyle I've been living for a year, guess I've frowned accustomed to it, literally adding more uncomfortableness to the list for me.

Gosh I sound like a spoiled brat. I blame James.

"Two rooms please," i told the front desk lady. She gave me a small nod and went into the back room.

It wasn't long until she came back, only holding one key. "I am so sorry ma'am but it seems we are booked. What I can do though is give you a room with two beds. Is that alright?"

"No, actually." I blurted out. She flinched slightly at my sudden outburst, and I forced a small chuckle. "I'm sorry, is there another inn nearby? Or is there a way to I-I don't know kick out the other guests-."

"We'll take it." I whipped my head to the low voice that interrupted me. He swiftly grabbed the key from the lady and turned to Happy. "Know any place to grab Lunch?"

I scoffed, snatching the key from my pink haired partners hand. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What's the problem Luce? We used to do sleepovers all the time."

"Aye sir."

My face turned red from embarrassment, flashbacks to a year ago when I would sleep on the ground of my own apartment because these two boneheads would hog my bed.

"T-that.." i squeaked. "Was a year ago."

He rolled his eyes and turned to the front desk lady, he slammed a bag of Jewels and sent her a sly wink. "Keep the change."

Her face flushed pink, slowly grabbing the giant bag of money. "Th-thank you!" Natsu smirked, aggressively grabbing one of my pigtails and dragging me to the room.

"Natsu, what the hell are you-"

I heard the sound of the key being injected to the door knob. He slammed the doors wide opened, and took a large sniff of our room for the night.

"Whoa!" He said excitedly. "Were sleeping here? It's so cool." He finally let go of my pigtail and went to run towards the bed on the right. "Dibs!" He called out.

I looked around our room, and he over exaggerated. The wooden room had two twin sized beds, a small table with a kitchenette, and a sofa. It resembles a lot like my old apartment, totally small but homely.

"This is literally the nicest Inn I've ever slept in." Happy exclaimed.

I scoffed, "Happy, you slept at my place just yesterday." The blue cat shrugged. "You know, the giant mansion with at least 10 bedrooms??"

"Don't get us wrong Luce," Natsu chimed in, "your place is nice and all, but the pink walls and furniture it a little-" he trailed off, making a disgusted face.

I gasped, grabbing a pillow and lunging it at his face. "Remind me that when we get back to the estate, so I can permanently ban the BOTH of you."

This is weird.

It's only been 24 hours since we left the estate and it feels... normal. I was so worried that this mission would be nothing but small talks with Natsu, but we've been talking for hours now, as if I didn't confess my love to him last year and left for a year.

"Gosh Luce, can't believe you missed out on Laxus and Mira's wedding."

"I didn't get an invite."

"That's because you were gone and no one could find you." I giggled, watching Natsu pout like a little boy.

"By the way Lushee," Happy paused. "When is your wedding day?"

I flinched a little. Geez, I almost forgot I was in engaged. "Well James and I are planning it this week. But there's so much work to do, I don't think it's possible."

Natsu shot up a forced laugh and my eyes trailed at him. "I just think you guys are going a bit too fast."

"Well it's a contracted marriage anyways, if we wanted to we would have gotten married the day we met."

"Well why didn't you guys?"

"He wanted to wait."

"Wait for?" Natsu leaned forward a little, his hands clenched on his lap, teeth slowly gritting.

"Until i was ready." My brows furrowed. Why was he asking so much questions.

"Ready for what?" Natsu kept pushing it.

"Ready to move on a certain someone." I stared Natsu dead in the eye as I watched him flinch.


There was an awkward silence between Natsu and I, just staring at eachother without saying another word.

Completely neglecting a certain blue cat, he laughed slowly, watching confused at the two of us. "I don't get it."

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