29. "the choice is clear"

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Lucy Heartfilia

The train ride back to the Heartfilia estate was exhausting. No, it wasn't because Natsu was knocked out and vomiting out the window. It was because he wasn't.

I guess before the came home this morning he and Happy stopped by Porlyusica and asked for a potion that would help his motion sickness.

What I had thought would be a peaceful trip turned out to be filled with questions about what I remembered last night. And for the record, I remembered nothing. The last thing I could recall was my talk with Cana, about my love life and even Natsu's poor ending of his.

I explained to him that I got my reading from Cana but he still urged me to think back to particularly what happened back at the Inn.

Even Happy was pushing my buttons about this. This unsuccessful business trip was already stressful and I'm glad I got to see the guild which did help me put my mind elsewhere, but now another problem showed up. Or should I say TWO; Natsu and Happy.

Once we finally reached the Heartfilia Estate train stop, I hurried off home, looking forward to my long awaited peaceful sleep. "Luce could you tell me about your fortune reading?"

"This again, Natsu?" I groaned. As much as he wanted to know, I wanted to forget.

In my head, all I could think about how I would have to choose between my best friend, whom ive known for years. Or my fiancé who ive known for... a year. While the choice was clear, I still couldn't accept the fact that I'd have to lose one soon.

I already walked out on Natsu. Can he afford to lose me a second time? Can I afford to have the guilt on my conscience? 

James on the other hand.. well he was the one who picked me up when I was down. But it's just as Mirajane and Natsu said. This marriage was forced, and I wasn't sure I really did love him as I said I did.

Choosing James meant I would throw away Natsu, throw away Fairy Tail, throw away my family.

But choosing Natsu meant I would lose James, and this company that I worked so hard to build, a company my father worked so hard to build.

I pushed the large doors open, revealing the entire gang already waiting for us at the front doors.  Everyone was staring at us, and not the good kind of stare. It was a look of worry and doubt. A questioning look.

What's going on?

Two people took a step towards us. "Natsu," Lisanna called out to him quietly. From the look in her eyes, I could tell she has been crying. She had dark circles, puffy eyes, and red cheeks. Her hair was in a mess and her clothes seemed wrinkled.

"Lucy..." James on the other hand stood firm. But I couldn't say he was happy or sad. More like, he was in anticipation. Nervous almost. I've known him for a year, but I could tell something was on his mind. Something bad. "We need to talk."

He walked over to my side and grabbed my hands, dragging me towards our room. I turned back to Natsu who was following his lover to their room with a worried expression.

His lover...

As soon as we entered the room, he slammed it shut causing me to flinch at his sudden action. 'He's mad.'  James never gets mad.

"Is it true Lucy?" I tilted my head, confused as to what the hell he was talking about with that loud tone. "Natsu... the man you used to love." he emphasized the 'used' to.

My eyes widened and with my jaw open, "how did you-"

James groaned, running his fingers through his slicked silver hair in frustration. "Why didn't you tell me?" he yelled. "What, do you still love him?"

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