23. "you sly dog"

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Lucy Heartfilia

Once we seated, I called for Kinana, and on instinct, she had already prepared us a few bottles and barrels. "So spill the beans blondie." Cana said, taking a swig of beer. "you and Natsu, go."

I shrugged my shoulders innocently, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Taking a small sip of the alcoholic beverage, I wasn't very fond of drinking large amounts as much as the guild does. Cana rolled her eyes and gave me 'shut up I'm not dumb' face. "I confessed to Natsu last year and he rejected me... so I ran away."

Cana just nodded her head, "already knew that."

"What? How?"

"I might've overheard you and Mira's conversation the Natsu announced that he was dating Lisanna. I put two and two together and voila." I sighed embarrassed, knocking my head on the wooden counter in shame. "I'm pretty sure everyone in the guild knew, you'd have to be an idiot to not figure it out."

"Well, Erza, Happy, Grey and the others hadn't figured it out yet."

"Like I said, they're idiots." I chuckled. "I'm talking about the aftermath silly, how are you two?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "kinda awkward I guess. We always have these weird moments when we're alone. Not like anything is gonna happen anyways, I mean he has Lisanna."

Cana furrowed her brows and laughed dryly. "I did a romance reading on all the couples without their knowing. By far, Natsu and Lisannas was the worst."

"Tarot card reading? Seriously Cana?"

"Its my magic, I can't help it." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her famous cards and placed them onto the table. "Here, let me do one of you and James." She casted a spell on the cards as they started to glow. Once the incantation stopped, Cana shuffled the cards and pulled out nine cards faced down on the counter. She divided the nine cards into three groups.

She named the first pile 'Past', the second 'Present' and third 'Future', the flipping the cards revealing them. She stared at the Past pile. "Heartbreak, patience, healing."

Okay I must admit, that was pretty good. Cana then looked at the Present pile. "Confusion, friendship, sorrow. And for the future?" she took a second and smirked. "HO HO! Lucy you sly dog!"

"What? What does it say?"

"A love triangle, unfaithfulness, and death."

"Death? Im gonna die?"

"No, you're not gonna die Lucy." she rolled her eyes. "I'm guessing the love triangle is between you, James, and Natsu is gonna lead to an ending of a relationship. Either your engagement with James or your friendship with Natsu."

"So you're saying I have to choose between my fiancé and my best friend?"

She shook her head, fixing her cards and sliding them back in her pocket. "Enough magic talk. How about we spin another round?!"


LOL I have no idea what I was writing. I've been watching a lot of tarot card readings and thought I could add Lucys love reading. give her a glimpse of her future. ANYWAYS, if anyone wants to correct me on the car

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