3. "Heartfilia Company"

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Lucy Heartfilia

I stared at the beautiful remains of the Heartfilia Konzern. Although no one had lived here for almost 7 years, counting the years we were stuck on Tenrou Island, it looked absolutely the same.

Pushing the large doors open, I called for my spirit who I instructed to stay here till I arrive. Not even a second layer, she appeared, bringing in a familiar face.

"Ms. Spetto?" I gasped, my eyes widened with tears of joy as I stared at the face that had taken care of me for most of my childhood.

"Lucy, my dear is that you?" She ran towards me with all her strength, bringing me into a huge hug. It was amazing that she was still alive and kicking. But things never changed, and so there she was crying in my arms.

I heard a sniff as she pulled me up the stairs and into a large room. I recognized the room immediately as it was papa and mamas old room. The room was kept neat and tidy, no dust or any specs of dirt anywhere. "I kept it clean after all these years," Ms. Spetto said, coming close to paps old desk. I watched her closely as she brought a box out, presenting it to me.

It was a big box. Carved carefully with the words 'Lucky Lucy Heartfilia' on the wooden yet smooth and shiny top.

It was a very familiar box, the box that papa and mama kept in their bedroom just for me till I reached adulthood. Unfortunately, I had ran away before I reached 18.

The box was supposedly the letters from papa and mama, good memories and lessons that I might need someday in the future. "I think this belongs to you." She handed it carefully like it was a baby. "Truth be told Lucy, even after you ran away, after Layla died, even after you were mysteriously gone for seven years... your father never stopped writing letters to you and put it in this box."

I took the box off her hands and slowly opened it, not taking my eyes off the insides, and it was true. It was overfilled with thick letters and licked envelops. Some old, and some brand new.

I took one out of the box and ripped the envelope open, slipping out a note. "I'll leave you alone for a bit."

"My dearest Lucy,

As I sit on my death bed I couldn't help but reminisce the moments I didn't share with you while you were growing up. After the death of your mother, Layla, I couldn't bear the thought of looking at you since you were like her twin. It pains me to think that I couldn't realize what I had right in front of me right after I lose everything I ever loved. It's unlikely that you'd be reading this but I'll hope and dream that you are alright. Wherever you are.

My only dreams were for you to take over the family business, and to be alright and happy. But it seems you're already happy, with that guild of yours. You loyalty to that rowdy guild is something i'll never understand, but that is where you belong. I hope you won't forget about me, or your mother. We will always be watching over you, and I wished i had more time to spend with you, but as long as your happy and content, then I am too.

Love your father, Jude Heartfilia."

My tears starts to burn my cheeks as I finished my fathers note. This gave me time to think.

I've been selfish for way to long and maybe I'll start thinking about others.

I made my way towards the door, slamming it open where Ms. Spetto waited. She flinched as she seen me crying, but I shook my head and wiped my tears. Standing in front of her tall and proud.

"Me. Spetto I've made up my mind." I started. "Father made a lot of sacrifices for me and this company. Its time for me to give my share and.. reconstitute the Heartfilia Company!"

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