9. "lewd fantasies"

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Natsu Dragneel

Team Natsu had just arrived to Sawarr Household, currently gawking at the mansion. It almost looked like a castle, with a water stream outlining the entire estate.

Gray, Erza, Wendy, Charle, and Happy had all accompanied me to do this mission. Even though it seemed easy, I figured we haven't done a mission together for so long, now would be the chance. Besides, what was I gonna do with all of that money?

The team was escorted by a butler into the living room, or at least it seemed like the living room. It was the size of the guild hall, maybe even bigger, but it was decorated so fancy that I almost hurled at all the diamonds laying around.

"You must be from fairy tail." A man called out from the upstairs.

We all introduced the entire team and he smiled and took a seat, "its so nice to finally meet you, i heard... many things about you and your guild."

"Ah yes, our guild is notorious for destroying property," Erza started, reassuring the man with a worried look. "But you won't have to worry about that, am i right Natsu?" She snapped her head towards me with deadly glares that sent shivers down my spine.

"Aye sir!" I saluted.

"Oh you're Natsu?" He asked surprised. He bit his lips with a worried look on his face for a second. But nonetheless he shook his head and continued.

The client, James, explained what specifically we were doing during the mission. Just transporting some important items from his estate to Arcola village.

We understood why he requested us with that huge amount of money, Arcola was known for their dangerous bandits and strong rogue mages. James was very muscular yet he seemed fragile.

Just as we were about to head out, a familiar voice and smell called out James. For some reason my heart skipped a beat and my snapped my head towards the source of the voice.


"Please don't tell me your leaving now when you haven't even finalized any of the preparations for your wedding? I swear you and Lu-." the lady who was rushing towards james stopped mid sentence.

"Oh, I didn't realize you had visitors."

"Michelle this is Team Natsu from the guild Fairy Tail."

"Fairy Tail?!" James nodded and she laughed nervously. "Oh, well carry on and hurry quick, your fiancé will be here any minute!" She shoved James out the door along with us and slammed the gigantic doors quickly.

"That was... weird." Gray whispered and I nodded.

It was a five hour train ride and a 2 hour carriage ride to Arcola, the amount of nausea Wendy and I were feeling was unbearable. Of course, Erza put us both out of our misery with a simple punch in the stomach.

This resulted in me passing out on Ezra's lap. I couldn't help but think back to the times I went on missions with my favorite celestial mage.

I missed Lucy playing with my hair until I fell asleep. I missed the feeling of her soft and smooth lap against my cheek, acting as a pillow.

I miss Luce so much.

"Natsu wake up, we're here." A gentle hand tugged my hair lightly, while continue massaging it.

The sound of my favorite blondes soft voice felt almost like a lullaby, almost like a nostalgic song i haven't heard for years.

I smiled, opening my eyes to see beautiful brown orbs staring down at me.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

"Good morning sleeping beauty." A rough voice yelled in my ear, slapping the back of my head awakening me.

"Dammit Gray! I was having a good dream you bastard!" I ignited my flames as I jumped up from my seat.

"Leave your lewd fantasies of Lisanna to yourself." He rolled his eyes walking away from me.

"Lisanna, right.."

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