5. "its a deal!"

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Lucy Heartfilia

I had my things at Ms. Spettos place all packed and ready. Luckily she lived alone and now too far from the Heartfilia Konzern, it was a 10 minute walking distance.

Since we don't officially own the house yet, we can't live there. But I have a plan. Before we left, i rummaged through my dads old business books and ideas, and if there's one thing father taught me best; it was how to run a business starting from nothing.

So that was what I was doing now. Flipping through my dads old contacts, I spotted a familiar name. "Duke Junelle Sawarr?" I muttered to myself.

"Ah yes, he's the one you were supposedly going to marry. He's also your competition for the Heartfilia Mansion." Ms. Spetto responded whilst she was cleaning the room.

"Really..." i mused, grabbing a feathered pen and a piece of paper. Scribbling my plans and ideas, I sealed it away and placed it on the basket that was already over flowing with stacks of envelopes for my potential business partners.

As I flipped another chapter of fathers old book, I heard the clicking of a tongue from behind me. I turned to face Ms. Spetto with disappointed yet proud full eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Lucy you're all grown up, while you look like your mother, your beginning to act like your father. Don't let all this work overcome you. If you want, I can call someone to help you, and trust me she's already familiar with your fathers work."

I made a face, turning back to my work with a bit of a reluctant look. "I don't know, who is she?"

"Your cousin, Michelle Lobster?" I flinched at the already familiar name. Ms. Spetto must have noticed the doubt in my face as she quickly added to her last comment. "Lucy, give her a try, she's very reliable and she's already running her family plantations."

"No that's not it.. it's just isn't she in a coma or something?" As I remembered from Laki and Gildarts, when they found her she was unconscious and that was the only information they had gathered about her.

"Actually no! She woke up a couple months ago. Delivered here by a couple of magic councils members, nothings wrong with her and she's well experienced Lucy."

I hesitated but agreed in the end. "I've got nothing to lose." With the last stack, I summoned Gemini and Virgo to send all the letters into the mail. "Tell Michelle to meet me tomorrow lunch, and we'll see what we can do. Other than that, we can finally sleep!"

I sat at the gigantic table inside the Heartfilia Konzern about to wrap things up with all my official business partners. To my surprise, they agreed to my terms and even sent me off to start with a large loan of money, a courtesy gift.

As my business partners started to leave one by one, Michelle came running up to me, with a booklet in hand and a pen ready to start writing.

"Lucy I've calculated all the money collected from everyone and it's just the right amount to buy Heartfilia Residence whole, would you like me to go to the home owners and claim the land?"

"No, save the money for the railroads that I'm planning to open up. If there's anymore money left, expand your plantations. Hopefully by harvest we'll have enough to buy the entire land-.."

"How about I help you with that!" I gasped, startled as the voice behind me spoken. It was Mr. Sawarr, and it seemed he has a proposition.

"No that's not necessary, you've already donated a lot of money, Mr. Sawarr." I refused.

He shook his head and smiled. "There's a catch to this." I stared at him confused, waiting for him to continue.

"It's amazing how you're still the same age as you were seven years ago! I had an eye for you a long time ago Lucy, but now I've grown up with a wife.. and a son."

"I don't understand..."

"My son, James, is about the same age as you, miraculously. And I was thinking, why not give your hand in marriage for him?" He extended his hand, bowing slightly like he was offering a formal dance.

I stepped back a little, hesitating to take the deal. "Come on Lucy, a harmless marriage. I promise you, this proposal will sky rocket your company into the billionaire charts. Its a win - win." He smirked, handing a contract and a pen towards me. "My boy is rather handsome, he looks exactly like me."

"Exactly like you, you say?" I looked at him up and down, and forced a smile. He was over weight, large nose and small eyes. But i promised to do everything I could for this company, and his offer benefits me in every way. "Oh what the hell.."

I snatched the pen and paper out of his hands and quickly wrote my signature on the bottom. "It's a deal!"

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