2. "not coming."

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Lucy Heartfilia

I opened my mouth to answer but I couldn't form any kind of word as my mouth was already full of sobs. I burst out the back door and ran back to my apartment.

I crawled towards my bed and started to sob, holding onto my broken heart. I stared at love letter that was now crumpled in my hands. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't stay here knowing that Natsu the guy I love, is in love with another. So there was only one option.

I reached for my celestial keys, bringing out two of them. "Gate of the Virgin and the Lion! Virgo and Loke!" I summoned as they both flashed in with bright lights. "Virgo, please help me pack and Loke, tell the landlord I'll be moving out."

Virgo nodded as she flashed in boxes and started to fold my clothes, but Loke stayed still. "Lucy you're crying what's wrong?" He placed his hand gently under my chin, bringing my face up to look at him. He wiped my tears with his thumb and drew his face closer towards mine.

"I'm sorry Loke, but it's just too painful to explain." I pushed his chest away, turning to face anywhere but his eyes. "Please tell the landlady I'll be moving out."

His eyes were pained and worried, but still flashed out of my room. "Princess I'm finished, is there anything else you would like me to do?"

I stayed silent for a second. I stood up and started to rummage my drawer of old pictures. Once I seen the pic of the lady I was looking for, I handed it to Virgo. "Find this girl, and ask her to meet me at the old Heartfilia Residence,"

She nodded her head and bowed, "and what is her name?"

"Ms. Spetto." I replied. "But before you do that, drop my things off at the Heartfili Residence too." She nodded, flashing away, bringing my boxes of clothes and other things as well.

Just as she left, Loke came through, bowing with his right hand placed on his heart. "Everything is done now Lucy, anything else you want me to do?"

I thought for a second then nodded, "if ever any one from the guild comes... tell them I'm leaving Fairy Tail..." he stared at me with a saddened look then nodding stepping aside. "Please don't tell them where I'm going Loke." I said lastly as I made my way out the door to the train station.

I never thought the day when I would leave Fairy Tail would come, yet here I am waiting for the train. I bought a one way ticket to the Heartfilia residence, with only a purse and a lacrima. It was a picture of the entire guild, I wanted to keep it for memories since I won't be seeing them anymore.

Once I seen the train roll in, I hesitated. This seemed so trivial, leaving Fairy Tail just because I got rejected. But as I stared at my train ticket, i realized that i wouldn't accept going into the guild and watching them be lovey-dovey with each other.

It was now or never.

I shook my head and took a step on that train.

"Dammit Lucy!" A familiar yelled from the back of the train, breaking my train of thought. "What the hell were you thinking?"


"Lucy please, don't leave me. I need you!" His eyes started to water as he started stuttering.

"But... what about Lisanna? Don't you love her?"

"No, I'm sorry it took me long to realize it but I love you Lucy. Not Lisanna!"

I hesitated, "Lisanna is my friend, I-I can't do this to her."

Natsu grabbed my hand as his black eyes stared straight into my brown ones. "Lucy, I beg of you, come back to me."

"I-I love you too Natsu." I broke into a sob as I brought him in for a hug, tightening my grip on him. "I would never leave you! Never!"

I felt a tear drop from my cheek as I stared at the window. The Heartfilia estate was a mile away but in view. I stared at the emptiness. No one was in the train but me and Plue.

I turned to my white dog sitting next to me. "He's not coming... is he."

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