14. "best friends."

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Lucy Heartfilia

"Why didn't you tell me they were here?!" I yelled frustratedly at Michelle, who seemed just as stressed.

"Don't blame me, its your fiancé who suddenly thought it was adventure time, and went ahead with your ex guild."

I groaned as we both snapped our heads, turning to face the culprit. "James... care to explain?!"

He sat there innocently, genuinely confused. "I-I'm not even sure what I did wrong." He chuckled nervously. "Honey, I really didn't know these were your guild mates. And besides, I thought you would be happy to see them. That's why I invited them to the wedding!"

"You invited them?!!"

"Was I not supposed to?"

I barely got mad at James. He was perfect and always did everything to please me.

"No. No you did a good thing." I suppose it was time to see my old friends sometime. Didn't think it would be at my wedding suddenly, but it was better now or never, I guess. "There's nothing else we can do anyways, I can't just kick them out of my house. Only Mavis knows how much I tried and FAILED."


"Never mind that." I turned to Michelle. "What's our schedule tomorrow?"

"Meeting with Bolt, this time in Magnolia." She answered.

"What? Another one?"

"He will be an important asset to our company in the future. It's best to keep a good relationship, and destroying their furniture is not the way to go."

"What's that's supposed to mean?"

"Ask the red head."

Later that night, I couldn't sleep. I mean, how could I. With everything that has happened, I'm glad my old friends are here. Even if a certain someone, who brought unwanted memories and feelings, is here too.

"James," I whispered to my fiancé who was laying down next to me. He didn't move. "You sleeping?"

He didn't respond, meaning he passed out. I sighed, getting up from my bed, giving him a light peck on his temple and tiptoeing out.

I grabbed a light lacrima and quietly headed down to the living room. If I couldn't sleep, I might as well do something productive right now.

I walked into my large kitchen and poured me a glass of milk. It was dead silent, but for some reason, I felt like there was another presence in the room.

Putting my glass of milk on the counter, I searched for light switch. Reaching for the wall, just as I was about to turn the lights on, a hand violently grabs my wrists and pulls it.

"What the-"

"Quiet down Luce." A deep voice shushed me, slamming a hand over my mouth. My ears rang at the nickname only one person called me.


I raised the light lacrima up to the culprits face, revealing a hair full of pink and a face with a hard glare. "We need to talk."

He forcefully grabbed my arm, dragging me outside. "We have nothing to talk about." I struggled to speak as his grip on my wrists tightened.

"Oh really?" He scoffed. "So you have nothing to say to me? Like how you left the guild-"

"I already apologized about that."

"You don't understand Luce." Natsu growled. "You left ME. We were supposed to be best friends."

My eyes widened. He was stressed, something the care-free Natsu had never felt before. "I looked for you. Everyday." I bit my lip, and turned away. I felt guilty. I didn't realize my absence affected him like this. I really thought he would be fine, I mean he had Lisanna didn't he. "When I went to your apartment that day.. I was gonna explain everything."

"Natsu I don't wanna hear it. Really."

"No I'm going to tell you-"

"Tell me what, exactly?" I huffed, dragging my fingers through my hair. "That your madly in love with Lisanna? That you didn't mean to reject me but you just couldn't accept my feelings."


"Like I said Natsu." I pulled away my arm from his fingers aggressively. "We have nothing to talk about."

"At least let me apologize-"

"You're not at fault here Natsu." I smiled lightly, still refusing to look in his eyes. I knew that if I were to look at him now, the tears I've been holding back, the emotions I had felt back then, would all come out.

"It's my fault for actually thinking we could be anything more than best friends."

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