7. "i loved, loved another."

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Lucy Heartfilia

I was scheduled to meet with Junelle Sawarr's son today at lunch, and now I was staring at the mirror, trying to perfect my hair and dress for the millionth time today. I had to looks presentable for some that might not.. i flashed some pictures assuming what he'd look like.

I shivered at the thought, then hearing a bell of the door ring, I stared at the clock and sighed. "Right on time," I came running down the stairs, patting down some hair right before answering the door.

My eyes trailed from the bottom of his frame, going upwards to his face. I gasped. This man was gorgeous! He had silver short hair and his skin tone was fair and flawless. His height was over 6 feet while his suit hugged his body just nicely, the right amount to squeeze his muscular chest and arms.

"Lucy Heartfilia, I presume?" He smiled gently while I just stood here gawking at the man. "My name is James, may I come in?"

I flinched at his question and stepped aside nervously, already feeling my sweat trickling down my forehead. "Uh yes! Of course!" He chuckled, stepping inside the house, walking next to me as I brought him inside the house and into the meeting room.

"So to start things, my name is Lucy Heartfilia, only daughter of the late Layla and Jude Heartfilia. My goal is to rebuild the Heartfilia company, age 24, female!" I cringed at how completely awkward and uncomfortable I was. I was stuttering and yelling my words, totally forgetting that this man was a man of wealth.

He chuckled, "my name is James Sawarr, adopted son of Junelle Sawarr. Heir to the company, age 26, male!"

"Adopted son?"

"Were you not aware of that," I shook my head and he smiled gently.
"You seem nervous, Ms. Lucy."

I blushed ferociously and shook my head, "oh please, just call me Lucy! And I apologize for my behavior, it's my first time seeing a man with elegance and manners! The people I used to hang out with was-." I stopped mid sentence, i was thinking about Fairy Tail again.

While its only been a month after running away from Fairy Tail, I missed them deeply. This was the longest I've stayed not seeing them. But I needed to adapt to my lifestyle now because there was no turning back. I promised to bring back the Heartfilia company, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to rant!" I've tried apologizing once again, but he shook his head and leaned in closer, smiling at me with interest.

"No please, go on. These people you speak of seems fun, how do you know them."

For about an hour, it consisted of me rambling on about the guild and our adventures. I assumed that he was tired of listening me talk about them, but he always insisted to continue on with the story.

Somehow, the awkwardness between James and I had disappeared. "Are you still working for this guild?" I flinched by his question, but shook my head no. "Why is that?"

I shrugged and forced a smile, stared down at my right hand where my guild mark still lied, "something happened.

I felt James eyes staring at me, burning holes through me with a concerned look. But he was a smart gentlemen and let it go, changing the topic quickly.

As night fell, guards appeared at my door, ready to pick up James and go home. But before he could, he stayed for a moment and asked a question. "I don't mean to pry on your personal life, but I really want to know why you left your guild. I can tell you love them very much."

"It seems silly now that I think about it but... the one I loved, loved another. I couldn't stay."

"Lucy i know we just met but I would never hurt you like that. I know we're getting married because of that contract you signed, but I promise you, I will somehow find a way to make you fall in love with me, and one day this marriage will be based on true love."


"I will wait for that day to come." I smiled gently, slowly closing the door before watching him turn and leave.

I exhaled sharply, my face feeling red as I bit my lip.

my chest feels weird...

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