15. "i'll go."

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Lucy Heartfilia

I couldn't get over that talk with Natsu last night. Now that I think about it, it was selfish of me not to hear him out.

"Honey?" A voice called out for me, dragging me out of my daydream and into reality. "Are you okay?"

I stared at James and Michelle, who was looking at me in concern. "I'm sorry, what were we talking about?"

"Mr. Bolt." Michelle answered.

"Right," I sighed. "I'll talk to him today."

"I don't think that a good idea, sweetie." I turned to James who furrowed his brows, probably worried that something will happen.

Bolt has a large figure, both physically and business wise. The way he got his large amount of wealth is illegal, but all of his business partners and clients made it big through him.

"I can handle myself, James. I'm a mage remember."

"Their group is literally in the middle of a dangerous city, not to mention the heavily armed and equipped men he has with him 24/7." I rolled my eyes at him as he continued to talk about the risks of me going alone.

"James, you can't go either." Michelle said. "You have to take care of your share with the wedding."

James groaned. Planning the wedding was stressful for James. He blamed his 'masculinity' for not having the same vision as I did upon dealing with these kinds of talk.

We gathered Erza and the others into the meeting room, explaining to them our situation. The looks on their faces, you could tell they didn't understand half of what I was saying.

"So basically, I need one of you to attend a meeting with me back to Arcola." My eyes scanned the room, staring at each of them, investigating which of my old guild mates would be eligible.

I made eye contact with a pair of onyx eyes, brows furrowed and his glare was focused right at me. I flinched a little.

Natsu has never looked at me that way... it was kind of scary.

"Not a problem, I'll go." Erza raised her hand nonchalantly.

"Alrighty then-"

"If I may-" Michelle spoke hastily, interrupting me before I could confirm the plan of bringing Erza. "Someone else would be more... ideal."

"What's wrong with Erza?" Jellal asked, raising a brow at my cousin.

"She's way too hotheaded, one slip up and the entire deal with Bolt can be ruined."

"Erza is not hotheaded, she's caution and tempered."

"That's exactly my point-"

"Enough," Erza's voice boomed, silencing both Michelle and her fiancé. The sound of her voice reminded me of how she used to scold Natsu and Gray on the daily base.

How nostalgic.

"I'll go."

A deep voice spoke from the far off corner, bringing all eyes onto him.

He ran his fingers through his pink hair and shrugged, turning to his blue best friend who was flying next to him. "Aye sir."

An awkward silence I emerged quickly. I bit my lip and turned to James, in hope that he would disagree with this. But as clueless as he was, he smiled at me and nodded his head.

"Actually i dont think-"

"That's a great idea!" Mira, who was being quiet the entire discussion, finally appeared with bright eyes and a wide grin. The signature she-devils matchmaking smile.

"I haven't seen Natsu and Lucy hang out this whole trip." She pointed out, loudly. "Seeing as they're best friends, it shouldn't be a problem." I turned to Natsu, my eyes furrowed in frustration. My heart was beating fast, and not in a good way.

I couldn't handle being alone with him for a few minutes, how will I be able to manage a few days!

It wasn't the same for Natsu, clearly. His smirk and the stare of his eyes showed that he was looking foreword to this trip. This was dangerous. "Well if no one has a problem with this, I'll get to packing."

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