33. "i dont mind waiting"

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Natsu Dragneel

Clock finally struck 12. It was time. "Are you excited, Natsu?" my blue flying exceed grinned.

I nodded my head, staring at the mirror before me, making sure I looked presentable. Today was the day I'd confess my feelings to Lucy, there was no way I was gonna go ahead and meet her in my usual careless outfit. Like Mirajane always say to me, 'dress to impress' and that was exactly what I was going to do.

I turned to Happy, and gave him a small pose, gesturing for him to judge my outfit. I wore a long black sleeve button up with my right sleeve torn off with a bandage wrapped around my arm and white pants with shoes.

Happy gave me a long stare, from head to toe and rose a brow. "Natsu, you look the same."

I poured and crossed my arms. "No way," I disagreed, "I'm wearing shoes!"

He rolled his eyes. "As if Lushee would notice you're not wearing your sandals."

"T-theyre not sandals! They're combat slippers!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, just hurry up! You know how impatient Lushee is." Happy rushed me as I stared in the mirror, contemplating whether or not I should change.

Happy grew out his wings and laid his blue paws on my back and began to push me towards the door.

Just as I reached for the door handle hesitantly, i began to cringe at the smell of alcohol reeking from the other side. My nose stiffened at the other scent that was laced with booze. I slammed the door open to reveal a certain white haired takeover mage.

"L-Lisanna?" I started at her in disbelief, her hair was all tangled and clothes were disheveled. Eyes and cheeks puffy and red, with snot and drool spilling. "What's wrong?!"

She glared at me as I asked her that question, with a face that read; 'you're joking, right?!'

"Screw you, Natsu!" Her voice began to slur as she stumbled inside of my room.

I glanced at Happy, who shared the same expression as I did, and mouthed 'she's drunk.'

"H-how could you do this to me?!" She curled her fists into a ball and began to bang her tiny little hands on my chest. "I loved you with all my heart! You confessed to me!"

She ranted on as she continued to hit me with all her strength. "But the entire relationship, all you could ever think about was her! You're a terrible boyfriend! How could your mind be filled with another girl — in front of your girlfriend!"

She was repeating what was said during the last conversation we had, but i could tell that these were her true feelings, no holding back.

"Can you even fathom how frustrated I was everyday?! How miserable you were when she was gone — how happy you were when you laid eyes on her?! I watched how much her presence affected you! Another girl, that wasn't me! Do you even know how heartbreaking it is to see the man you love, in love with someone else?!"

"Lis, I-I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Natsu!" She screamed.

I could hear her heart erratic heart beats, and her voice cracking up as she spoke.

I couldn't say that it didn't make me feel pity for her. This was entirely my fault, and I didn't realize how much this had affected her deeply. Lisanna always put a smiling front, and i truly thought she was fine with this.

But who would be?

I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't understand where all of this was coming from. Hell, this was me.

But with Lucy.

"Lis," I called out her name gently after I gave her a second to breathe. "I truly was in love with you at the start."

Her cries began to soften as she finally gave me a change to speak. Her big blue eyes stared up at me, as if she had an ounce of hope of us getting back together.

And it crushed me that I had to tell it to her straight.

I could feel a small tinge in my chest; I felt absolutely shitty for making her feel this way, but there was no other choice.

It was best to end everything here, rather than continuing on a dead end.

"I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, but..." she winced as she dropped her chin and stared at the ground.

I clenched my teeth and placed my palm on the back of her head and brought her face to my chest, so she could cry it all out.

I snaked my other arm around her back and tightened the hug I had around her. She weakly returned it as well, and buried her face into my shoulder. I could feel her tears begin to pour out as she she sobbed quietly.

"I'm sorry Lisanna." I caressed her hair in effort to comfort her. "I'm so.. very sorry."

As I said this, a smell of strawberries and vanilla peeked at my nose. I sniffed the air around us, and found a faint scent of Lucy.

It was masked with all the sweat, tears, and booze that Lisanna brought in, but I knew that she was near.

I slightly pushed Lisanna forward and opened my mouth to speak, until she started first.

"Going to Lucy?" My eyes widened as she hit the spot. "Mira told me..."

She let her arms that were wrapped around me drop to her sides and stared at the door. "Thank you Natsu..." she smiled weakly.

"For the memories, and teaching me what love was." She turned her head to me and gestured to the door. "Go.. get her tiger.."

I smiled brightly, and planted a small peck on her forehead, as i rushed out the door and towards the garden where we had planned to meet.

"Sorry Luce, im a bit late.." i huffed out of breath as I really ran my entire ass off. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting—.."

As i neared towards the patio, I haven't seen nor smelt the blonde in sight.

I paused. "I swear she was on her way..."

Small doubts crept my head, but i shook it off as I wanted an optimistic mind. "Well, it's okay." I plucked a flower from a bush, held it close to my face with a bright smile.

".. I don't mind waiting."

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