21. "i doubt that"

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Natsu Dragneel

Lucy, Happy, and I had finally reached the shady businessman's office. Just like before, his goons were guarding him, surrounding from the front and the back.

I stared at Lucy, she was in formal clothes with her hair in a neat bun and glasses, making her look 100% more sophisticated yet sexy.

Jeez Natsu, what are you thinking?

After the talk last night, things with Luce and I had gone back to square one. Awkward small talk and glances here and there. As much as I wanna continue that talk, I figured that I should give her some space on that matter.

But whether she likes it or not, we will talk about it.

"Ah Ms. Lucy Heartfilia. The beautiful young prodigy." Bolt laughed out loud. Almost as if he was mocking her. "You're really a catch i must say, James is quite the lucky fellow."

"Thank you." She replied, rolling her eyes at his rude commentary. "So lets get straight to the point-"

"Where's the rest of ya gang, pinky?" I rose a brow, and gritted my teeth. "Especially the red head, shes my type; sexy and fierce."

Lucy cleared her throat and sighed impatiently. She sarcastically laughed and brought her arms to the desk, leaning in close. "We didn't come here to start a fight or give you eye candy. Were here to talk business."

This was a completely different side of Lucy. Her usual cute and innocent side was replaced with a serious demanding aura. She was in business mode.

Bolt rose a brow and laughed slowly. "Alrighty then missy. Whatcha got for us."

The meeting when down for ten minutes. I had no idea what they were talking about, I was abouta snooze off on their raggedy couch. Until i heard a hand slam onto the table.

"Unacceptable!" Lucy yelled, grabbing the attention of me and Happy. "I am fed up with your perverted remarks! I'm giving you one last chance, Mr. Bolt."

I stood up from the chair and walked towards Lucy, standing by her side glaring at the big fat man. This action caused his men to also step foreword, readying their stance in case of a fight to break out.

"Be serious or this whole thing is off. Cooperating with our group will make millions for the both of us!" Wow millions? Throw back to when Lucy was struggling to pay her rent. "If you won't accept the deal then I'm sorry, but this is the last time me or my fiancé will ever come down to meet with you again."

He sighed, "No. Deal." He smirked.

"Excuse me?" Lucy gasped.

His boys started to laugh, mocking Lucy and taunting her. One of them reached for Lucy's hand, but before he could lay a hand on her, I snatched his arm and started to heat it, slowly his skin started to crisp.

"Hands off, boy." He glared, fighting the pain as he spit in my face. He threw a punch, landing one straight on my face.

I smirked, i yanked his arm and kicked his stomach, flying him straight to three of their men. "Hey what the hell?" Bolt yelled. "Get em boys! And get her too!"

They rushed towards Lucy and I, but she had reached for her keys quickly and called out two spirits.

"Open, Gate of the Lion and Cow! Taurus and Loki!"

"She's a mage?!"

Quickly into battle, a flash of gold appeared and a giant axe swung at Bolts desk, almost cutting Bolt in half. A loud siren was heard in the building, and I could smell the stench of beer and onions rushing towards us.

"Star Dress: Taurus!" Lucy yelled. Didn't know it did that... Lucy's clothes flashed into a cow patterned bra and and skirt with whips in both her hands.

She swung her whips at the direction of Bolts, wrapping his neck and dragging him to her. "One more step from one of your boys and I'll rip your head off." The grip of her whips tightened, slightly suffocating him.

"St-" he could barely breathe. "Enough!"

Lucy huffed in annoyance, but released him nonetheless. He grabbed another one of her keys, after sending Loki and the cow back.

Virgo appeared and I walked towards Lucy in caution. "Youll.. regret making.. an enemy of me!"

"I doubt that." And with that being said, Virgo sighed a hole straight under ground, exiting the four of us.

But before we left I sent them a taste of my dragon wraths. "DRAGON SLAYER ROAR!"

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