12. "nice to meet you."

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Natsu Dragneel

"James its very nice of you to invite the guild to stay at your villa." Mira smiled gently, with her husband Laxus, laying on her lap.  Motion sick just like the rest of the dragon slayers on this train.

"For free!" Makarov jumped around the train, excited to have a week off from work.

"It just sucks that not everyone in the guild could come." Juvia sighed, squeezing Gray's hand tight.

A handful of the guild was busy this week, either with missions or they didn't want to watch a wedding because they were single and lonely. Thus only the couples came.

Wendy and Romeo
Erza and Jellal
Gray and Juvia
Laxus and Mira
Levy and Gajeel
The exceeds and Master

Surprisingly, after me and Lisanna got together most of the guild started becoming a couple. It started with Gray finally confessing her feelings to Juvia and Laxus confessing to the guild that him and Mira had been seeing each other for a few years now. Even proposing in front of everyone.

Everyone seemed happy with their relationship, but for some reason...

I wasn't.

"It isn't my villa, it's my fiancé." James explained.

"Don't tell me she's also rich."

James chuckled, "originally, our marriage was contracted. But I fell in love with her after just one day."

"Golly, that's so romantic!" Lisanna and Levy shrieked, fantasizing the romance as if it was a book.

Lucy and Levy used to do that...

Half passed out, i was staring at Gray whose eyes were looking at the view outside his window.

"No way," Gray gawked, eyes widened. "Isn't this the Heartfilia Estate?"

"What?" Erza muttered, she walked over to Gray side of the window and furrowed her brows.

"That's where we'll be staying at. My fiancé bought the estate about a year ago."

After the train ride, we walked up to the gigantic doors of the Heartfilia Mansion. It looked the same from the last time we came here, seven years ago.

My stomach turned, giving me bad vibes from the entire mansion. It was like I would regret walking through that door the moment I stepped inside.

I looked around if anyone else from the group had the same feeling, but everyone just had the look of excitement.

We walked through the doors, greeted by a handful of maids and butlers standing in a line. "Welcome back, Master James."

"Please show each couple their rooms, they're visitors for the wedding."

The butlers nodded their heads while the maids directed us to the room.

After the group had all gotten ready, we were huddled in the giant living area, waiting for James' fiancé, who was returning a little late since she had a business meeting.

"I'm so excited to meet your fiancé James!" Lis squealed, squeezing my hand tight.

"Trust me," Michelle scoffed, who was standing in her corner closely watching us. "You've already met her."

She rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving the room and us in silence. "Pardon her rudeness, she's my fiancé's cousin. I'm not sure why she has this grudge over Fairy Tail."

"We don't mind James," Erza responses, dismissing the disrespect from Michelle. "Hopefully we can smooth things over once your fiancé gets here."

"Hey James," Gajeel called out, "your fiancé got a name or somethin'?"

"Oh I'm sorry, did I forget to tell you," James laughed. "Her name is-"

"Jeez I'm so tired!!!" A familiar voice called out from downstairs, groaning as heavy footsteps were head stomping down. "A hot bath with Plue sounds nice right about now."

"Did she just say..." Wendy muttered as James rushed downstairs to meet whoever had just entered the door. Everyone following shortly after, taking a peek.

There wasn't much to see as her entire body was covered in a cloak.

Just staring at the mysterious woman m, i was hit with a strong smell of Vanilla and Strawberries, exactly like Michelle's scent but even stronger.

My breathing came rapid as the feeling of anticipation was running through my stomach. The same feeling I had earlier.

"Honey I heard you brought visitors," the woman grabbed James face and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Where are they I wanna meet 'em!"

James smiles brightly, a smile i only see whenever he talked about his fiancé. He grabbed her hand and rushed up the stairs where we were all sitting and staring down at the two couple.

Once they reaches the top of the stairs, we all stared closely at the woman who still had her cloak on. She giggled lightly, while hitting me with flashbacks of a certain blonde who had the exact same laugh.

Everything in my body yelled to run away, to rush out the door the moment she took off her hood. But it was too late.

Slowly, she reached for the top of her hood bringing it down revealing her long shiny golden hair. "Hi my name is Lucy Heartfilia," she started.

"It's so nice to meet you-" she paused, her giant brown eyes met mine and her mouth left wide open, staring at our group.

My heart started to race, like adrenaline was pumping through my veins as her perfume coursed through my nose.


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