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Lucy Heartfilia

I felt big strong arms cuddle me from behind as I was laid on a fluffy comforter, being warmed up. I smiled in pure happiness as there would only be one person who could possible do this. "Natsu, go back to bed." I muttered, earning a small whine as he began to plant kisses all over my face.

"Luce..." he sighed into my neck as before he began to suck on it gently, "let's go on a mission."

I rolled my eyes, turning to face him, "we went on one yesterday, and we don't have to worry about rent anymore, remember? I'm rich!" 

James and I still continued the Heartfilia business, or should I say Sawarr Corp. Occasionally I would head off to meet with him and settle transactions like we agreed on, so money was never a problem for me, like before.

"But... I wanna go on one." He sighed and pleaded, "Come on, were going to Hargeon to fight off bandits that are raiding the town! it'll be a lot of fun."

And of course, Natsu was very persuasive with his words. And when I mean words, I meant his cute little puppy dog eyes. Or should I say baby dragon eyes. 

I hummed in annoyance, yet got out of bed to get ready. "Gonna shower.." I mumbled, glancing at Natsu who jumped outta the bed quickly, with a sheepish grin on his face. "Gonna join me?"

I didn't even have to ask as he already tore off his clothes and rushed into the tub, starting the water and igniting a flame to the temperature that I like. I sighed with a love sick look on my face, "of course you are." 


It was about late afternoon when we arrived to Hargeon. We were sent on a mission that stated bandits were terrorizing the town. Yet when we got there, it was almost like a ghost town. Not a single person in sight, and it was deadly quiet, making the situation all too suspicious. 

"Happy," I called out to the blue flying cat who was by my side, looking for the townspeople. But I noticed a pink haired dragon missing. "Where's Natsu."

"U-uh, I don't know Lushee..! Why-why are you asking me?"

I rose a brow, "he was just here a minute ago." I ignored Happy's weird behavior and looked left and right for a sign of any bandits. "Jeez, how scary are these bandits that they sent everyone away?"

I contemplated whether it was a good idea taking a mission without the entire Team Natsu. I am never listening to that bafoon ever again. It was his idea to take this mission alone. 

I then heard a loud crash from behind us, a person wearing a black hood over their heads, kneeling down clutching their side as if they were in pain. I quickly rushed over to them and took a knee trying to meet them on eye level. "Sir? Are you alright?!"

He groaned in pain, reach to his stomach and shook his head. In a flash, I watch something red appear in their hands. And what I had assumed to be blood, was instead a small velvet box. Quickly, the hooded person grabbed a hold onto my hand and looked up into my eyes, revealing familiar Onyx eyes that I wake up to every morning.

"I'll be okay... if you did me the honor..."


"Of being my wife."

I stood up in shock as he flipped his hood off his head, showing off pink messy locks of hair and a wide grin plastered on his face. He tightened the grip on my hands and  knelt down on one knee, holding up the velvet box and opening it to a giant diamond ring. "Whaddya say Luce? Wanna be my wife?"

My mouth fell open as I could feel my eyes stinging and a small lump forming in my throat. I then began to hear footsteps that were hiding behind the building, to be our guild mates all there in support, cheering me on to say yes.

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