6. "to hell with that!"

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Natsu Dragneel

I sat in the corner where her bed would have been, stared at the nothingness that laid in this room.

What could have made Lucy move out this quick. Was this all my fault?

I heard the door creak open, my body jumping up to turn to face the blonde that i expected to walk through that door.

"Natsu what the hell did you do to my apartment?!" My favorite smell of strawberry and vanilla entered the room.

My eyes widened as I stared at Lucy holding a bag of groceries with Virgo and Plue by her side. "Me? I didn't do anything!"

"Natsu, where did my furniture go!?"

"Natsu, where did Lucy go?" The voice of Lisanna came through that door. I groaned, disappointed that she wasn't Lucy.

She isn't Lucy...

"Lucy-San why didn't you come to the guild-" Wendy's cheerful voice trailed down as she came further into the room to realize that there was nothing and nobody here except me. "Where's Lucy-sans things?"

"More importantly, where is Lucy, flame brain."

"She..." i bit my lip, refusing to continue. But the curious and worried looks on all their faces pleaded me to go on. "She left."

"For vacation?" Mira asked curiously but I shook my head.

My eyes lowered and saddened, flashing back to what Loke told me. I slowly handed Erza the crumpled note as I slid my back down on the wall, disbelief and hurt. "No, she left the guild."

"What? No Lucy-San would never-." Wendy's voice slowly trailed down as she was next to receive the note. She read it quickly and gasped.

They all had a moment of silence until they let Erza take the lead and speak. "I guess we must respect this decision as Lucy's comrades and leave her be."

My eyes widened as I stared at Erza. "To hell with that!" I yelled, jumping back onto my feet, igniting a flame onto my fists. "Since when did we ever listen to Lucy? This is our friend we're talking about! We can't let her leave!"

"Natsu, can't you read?! She doesn't want to be found!"

"Lucy's our friend! And since when did we give up on our friends?!" I gritted my teeth glaring at the bunch who seemed against the idea to look for the Lucy who has brought all of us together. "If you're not gonna help me find her, I'll go by myself!" My voice lowered softly, as i turning away to escape by the window

"No," I flinched hearing the voice of Happy, my partner holding onto my back, with his wings expanded and ready to take flight. "Lucy's my best friend too, and I'll come with you wherever you go Natsu, just point where!"

"I'll go too!" I turned to Lisanna, who stepped a little closer towards me. "I don't know Lucy as much as you all do, but I'll put trust on you Natsu.. bring her back!" She grabbed my head and kissed the top of my pink hair.

I didn't have the time to blush or have my heart beat, so I just grinned, and pushed foreword out the door. "Let's go Happy!"

"Aye sir!"

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